疾病监测, 2013, 28(6): 422-423
DOI: 10.3784/j.issn.1003-9961.2013.6.002
Summary of selected notifiable communicable diseases in China (May 2013)


Office of Disease Control and Emergency Response, China CDC

   湖南省: 2013年5月全省报告839例,无死亡。报告病例数较上月下降19.92%,较2012年同期增加816例。报告病例数居前5位的地市为郴州、长沙、怀化、邵阳和衡阳,居前的区(县)为桂阳县、永兴县、浏阳市、耒阳市和鹤城区。职业以散居儿童为主,占81.88%;年龄以0~6岁为主,占85.10%;男女性别比为1.70 ∶ 1。2013年截至5月底,全省累计报告3550例,死亡4例。
  安徽省: 2013年5月全省报告426例,无死亡。报告病例数较上月下降43.12%,较2012年同期增加400例。报告病例数居前5位的地市为蚌埠、淮南、阜阳、滁州和合肥,居前5位的区(县)为怀远县、潘集区、凤阳县、凤台县和田家庵区。
  云南省: 2013年5月全省报告148例,发病率为0.32/10万,无死亡。报告病例数较2012年同期增加135例。报告病例数居前5位的地市为文山、大理、曲靖、保山和临沧。年龄以0~5岁为主,男女性别比为1.47 ∶ 1。
  青海省: 2013年5月全省报告123例,发病率为2.16/10万,无死亡。报告病例数较上月上升16.04%,较2012年同期增加114例。发病率居前2位的区(县)为达日县和泽库县。年龄以0~6岁为主,占86.18%。
  吉林省: 2013年5月全省报告44例,发病率为0.16/10万。报告病例数较上月增加37例,较2012年同期增加41例。报告发病率居前3位的地市为辽源、松原和四平。
   湖南省: 2013年5月全省报告17 146例,重症102例,死亡6例。报告病例数较上月上升43.53%,较2012年同期下降63.46%。报告病例数居前5位的地市为长沙、衡阳、岳阳、益阳和郴州,居前5位的区(县)为宁乡县、长沙县、雨花区、衡阳县和吉首市。职业以散居儿童、幼托儿童为主,分别占87.15%和10.28%;年龄以0~5岁为主,占96.35%,其中0~3岁占87.29%;男女性别比为1.70 ∶ 1。2013年截至5月底,全省累计报告39 494例,死亡13例。
  浙江省: 2013年5月全省报告13 522例,重症13例。其中实验室诊断病例287例(EV71阳性108例,Cox A16阳性27例,其他肠道病毒阳性152例)。报告病例数较上月上升24.32%,较2012年同期下降58.56%。报告病例数居前5位的地市为温州、台州、宁波、金华和丽水;报告发病率居前5位的地市为丽水、温州、衢州、台州和宁波。职业分布以散居儿童和幼托儿童为主,共占97.77%;年龄以0~5岁为主,占95.33%,其中1岁和2岁组分别占30.39%、22.16%。2013年截至5月底,全省累计报告38 003例,重症17例;其中实验室诊断病例1417例(EV71阳性357例,Cox A16阳性172例,其他肠道病毒阳性888例)。
   江苏省: 2013年5月全省报告12 129例,发病率为15.36/10万,重症160例。报告病例数较上月下降9.29%,较2012年同期下降53.72%。报告病例数居前3位的地市为南京、苏州和宿迁,居前5位的区(县)为宿豫区、宿城区、吴江区、常熟市和通州区;报告发病率居前3位的地市为宿迁、南京和无锡。2013年截至5月底,全省累计报告41 082例,重症342例,死亡1例;其中实验室诊断1387例(EV71、Cox A16和其他肠道病毒感染分别占实验室诊断病例的35.83%、12.40%和51.77%)。
  安徽省: 2013年5月全省报告11 722例,报告病例数较上月下降13.42%,较2012年同期下降53.98%。报告病例数居前5位的地市为阜阳、合肥、宿州、蚌埠和滁州,居前5位的区(县)为临泉县、颍州区、阜南县、泗县和萧县。
  云南省: 2013年5月全省报告10 997例,发病率为23.75/10万,死亡6例。报告病例数较2012年同期上升45.46%。报告病例数居前5位的地市为昆明、曲靖、红河、玉溪和大理。年龄以0~5岁为主;男女性别比为1.49 ∶ 1。
  贵州省: 2013年5月全省报告8957例,重症224例,死亡2例。报告病例数较上月下降24.57%,较2012年同期上升13.13%。

  Hunan province: In May 2013, a total of 839 cases were reported without death. The reported case number declined by 19.92% and increased by 816 respectively compared with last month and the same period in 2012. The first 5 municipalities reporting high case numbers were Chenzhou, Changsha, Huaihua, Shaoyang and Hengyang, the first 5 counties (district) were Guiyang, Yongxing, Liuyang, Leiyang and Hecheng. The cases were mainly distributed in children outside child care settings (81.88%) and in age group 0-6 years (85.10%). The male to female ratio of the cases was 1.70 ∶ 1. By the end of May, a total of 3550 cases had been reported cumulatively, including 4 deaths.
  Anhui province: In May 2013, a total of 426 cases were reported without death. The reported case number declined by 43.12% and increased by 400 respectively compared with last month and the same period in 2012. The first 5 municipalities reporting high case numbers were Bengbu, Huainan, Fuyang, Chuzhou and Hefei, the first 5 counties (district) were Huaiyuan, Panji, Fengyang, Fengtai and Tianjia’an.
  Yunnan province: In May 2013, a total of 148 cases were reported without death. The incidence was 0.32/lakh. The reported case number increased by 135 compared with the same period in 2012. The first 5 municipalities reporting high case numbers were Wenshan, Dali, Qujing, Baoshan and Lincang. The cases were mainly distributed in age group 0-5 years. The male to female ratio of the cases was 1.47 ∶ 1.
  Qinghai province: In May 2013, a total of 123 cases were reported without death. The incidence was 2.16/lakh. The reported case numbers increased by 16.04% and 114 respectively compared with last month and the same period in 2012. The first 2 counties reporting high incidences were Dari and Kuze. The cases were mainly distributed in age group 0-6 years, accounting for 86.18%.
  Jilin province: In May 2013, a total of 44 cases were reported with the incidence of 0.16/lakh. The reported case number increased by 37 and 41 respectively compared with last month and the same period in 2012. The first 3 municipalities reporting high incidences were Liaoyuan, Songyuan and Siping.
Hand foot and mouth disease
  Hunan province: In May 2013, a total of 17 146 cases were reported, including 102 severe cases and 6 deaths. The reported cases increased by 43.53% and declined by 63.46% respectively compared with last month and the same period in 2012. The first 5 municipalities reporting high case numbers were Changsha, Hengyang, Yueyang, Yiyang and Chenzhou, the first 5 counties (district) were Ningxiang, Changsha, Yuhua, Hengyang and Jishou. The cases were mainly distributed in children outside child care settings and children in child care settings, accounting for 87.15% and 10.28% respectively. The cases in age groups 0-5 and 0-3 years accounted for 96.35% and 87.29% respectively. The male to female ratio of the cases was 1.70 ∶ 1. By the end of May, a total of 39 494 cases had been reported cumulatively, including 13 deaths.
  Zhejiang province: In May 2013, a total of 13 522 cases were reported, including 13 severe cases. Among these cases, 287 were laboratory confirmed, including 108 EV71 infections, 27 Cox A16 infections and 152 other entericvirus infections. The reported cases increased by 24.32% and declined by 58.56% respectively compared with last month and the same period in 2012. The first 5 municipalities reporting high case numbers were Wenzhou, Taizhou, Ningbo, Jinhua and Lishui. The first 5 municipalities reporting high incidences were Lishui, Wenzhou, Quzhou, Taizhou and Ningbo. The cases were mainly distributed in children in and outside child care settings (97.77%) and in age group 0-5 years (95.33%). The cases in age groups 1 year and 2 years accounted for 30.39% and 22.16% respectively. By the end of May, a total of 38 003 cases had been reported cumulatively, including 17 severe cases. Among these cases, 1417 were laboratory confirmed, including 357 EV71 infections, 172 Cox A16 infections and 888 other entericvirus infections.
  Jiangsu province: In May 2013, a total of 12 129 cases were reported, including 160 severe cases. The incidence was 15.36/lakh. The reported cases declined by 9.29% and 53.72% respectively compared with last month and the same period in 2012. The first 3 municipalities reporting high case numbers were Nanjing, Suzhou and Suqian, the first 5 counties (district) were Suyu, Sucheng, Wujiang, Changshu and Tongzhou. The first 3 municipalities reporting high incidences were Suqian, Nanjing and Wuxi. By the end of May, 41 082 cases had been reported cumulatively, including 1 death. Among these cases, 1387 were laboratory confirmed, in which EV71, Cox A16 and other entericvirus infections accounted for 35.83%, 12.40% and 51.77% respectively.
  Anhui province: In May 2013, a total of 11 722 cases were reported. The reported cases declined by 13.42% and 53.98% respectively compared with last month and the same period in 2012. The first 5 municipalities reporting high case numbers were Fuyang, Hefei, Suzhou, Bengbu and Chuzhou, the first 5 counties (district) were Linquan, Yingzhou, Funan, Sixian and Xiaoxian.
  Yunnan province: In May 2013, a total of 10 997 cases were reported, including 6 deaths. The incidence was 23.75/lakh.The reported cases increased by 45.46% compared with the same period in 2012. The first 5 municipalities reporting high case numbers were Kunming, Qujing, Honghe, Yuxi and Dali. The cases were mainly distributed in age group 0-5 years. The male to female ratio of the cases was 1.49 ∶ 1.
  Guizhou province: In May 2013, a total of 8957 cases were reported, including 224 severe cases and 2 deaths. The reported cases declined by 24.57% and increased by 13.13% respectively compared with last month and the same period in 2013.