疾病监测, 2013, 28(10): 790-791
DOI: 10.3784/j.issn.1003-9961.2013.10.002
Summary of selected notifiable communicable diseases in China


Public Health Emergency Center, China CDC

  陕西省: 2013年9月全省报告88例,发病率0.24/10万,无死亡。报告病例数较上月上升83.33%,较2012年同期上升158.82%。报告病例数居前3位的地市为延安、渭南和咸阳,居前2位的县为蒲城县和富平县。职业以农民为主,占84.09%;年龄以20~79岁为主,占94.32%;男女性别比为0.73 ∶ 1。
  山西省: 2013年9月全省报告73例。报告病例数较上月上升284.21%,较2012年同期增加70例。报告病例数居前5位的区(县)为万荣县、临猗县、稷山县、尧都区和临县。2013年截至9月底,全省累计报告92例。
  云南省: 2013年9月全省报告551例,发病率 1.19/10万。报告病例数较2012年同期上升33.74%。报告病例数居前5位的地市为昆明、红河、西双版纳、曲靖和保山。职业以农民为主,占48.28%;男女性别比约为1 ∶ 1。
   湖南省: 2013年9月全省报告109例。报告病例数较上月下降18.05%,较2012年同期上升11.22%。报告病例数居前5位的地市为永州、怀化、衡阳、邵阳和湘西,居前7位的区(县)为鹤城区、宁远县、吉首市、雁峰区、耒阳市、零陵区和道县。职业以农民和散居儿童为主,分别占40.37%和22.02%;年龄以0~9岁为主,占30.28%;男女性别比为1.4 ∶ 1。2013年截至9月底,全省累计报告909例。
  湖南省: 2013年9月全省报告556例。报告病例数较上月上升38.65%,较2012年同期上升13.70%。报告病例数居前5位的地市为怀化、邵阳、永州、岳阳和郴州,居前5位的县为江华县、桂阳县、溆浦县、南岳区和汨罗市。职业以农民、散居儿童和学生为主,共占80.22%;年龄以0~9岁为主,占43.88%;男女性别比为1.3 ∶ 1。2013年截至9月底,全省累计报告4947例。
  山西省: 2013年9月全省报告371例。报告病例数较上月上升51.43%,较2012年同期上升7.23%。报告病例数居前5位的县为泽州县、浑源县、浮山县、阳高县和大同县。2013年截至9月底,全省累计报告3972例。
   陕西省: 2013年9月全省报告151例,发病率0.40/10万。报告病例数较上月上升73.56%,较2012年同期下降30.09%。报告病例数居前2位的地市为榆林和汉中,居前4位的区(县)为汉台区、榆阳区、子洲县和汉滨区。职业以农民为主,占64.90%;年龄以20~74岁为主,占73.51%;男女性别比为0.96 ∶ 1。
  安徽省: 2013年9月全省报告7304例。报告病例数较上月下降17.10%,较2012年同期上升17.26%。报告病例数居前5位的地市为合肥、宿州、马鞍山、安庆和阜阳,居前5位的区(县)为蜀山区、包河区、瑶海区、萧县和砀山县。
   河北省: 2013年9月全省报告5188例,发病率 7.17/10万。报告病例数较上月下降20.27%,较2012年同期上升25.80%。报告发病率居前5位的地市为石家庄、唐山、邯郸、承德和保定。职业以农民及散居儿童为主,分别占48.34%和30.67%;年龄以0~2岁及15~69岁为主,分别占27.10%和59.10%;男女性别比为1.46 ∶ 1。
  湖南省: 2013年9月全省报告2895例。报告病例数较上月下降9.79%,较2012年同期上升15.02%。报告病例数居前5位的地市为怀化、长沙、株洲、郴州和邵阳,居前5位的区为浏阳市、芦淞区、鹤城区、新晃县和吉首市。职业以散居儿童、农民和学生为主,共占87.94%;年龄以0~3岁为主,占51.05%;男女性别比为1.3 ∶ 1。2013年截至9月底,全省累计报告20 116例。
  广西壮族自治区: 2013年9月全省报告37 431例,重症60例,死亡1例。报告病例数较上月上升108.04%,较2012年同期上升157.06%。报告病例中实验室诊断88例,其中EV71 4例。报告病例数居前5位的区为西乡塘区、青秀区、兴宁区、玉州区和江南区。职业以散居儿童和幼托儿童为主,分别占83.99%和13.93%;年龄以0~4岁为主,占95.95%。
  湖南省: 2013年9月全省报告7789例,重症7例。报告病例数较上月上升95.75%,较2012年同期下降38.37%。报告病例数居前5位的地市为衡阳、长沙、郴州、永州和邵阳,居前5位的区(县)为浏阳市、耒阳市、安仁县、衡阳县和赫山区。职业以散居儿童及幼托儿童为主,分别占91.60%和6.87%;年龄以0~5岁为主,占98.05%,其中0~3岁组占93.03%;男女性别比为1.7 ∶ 1。2013年截至9月底,全省累计报告75 335例,死亡17例。

Japanese encephalitis
  Shaanxi province: In September 2013, a total of 88 cases were reported without death. The incidence was 0.24/lakh. The reported cases increased by 83.33% and 158.82% respectively compared with last month and the same period in 2012. The first 3 municipalities reporting high case numbers were Yanan, Weinan and Xianyang, and the first 2 counties were Pucheng and Fuping. The cases were mainly distributed in farmers (84.09%) and in age group 20-79 year (94.32%). The male to female ratio of the cases was 0.73 ∶ 1.
  Shanxi province: In September 2013, a total of 73 cases were reported. The reported case number increased by 284.21% and 70 respectively compared with last month and the same period in 2012. The first 5 district reporting high case numbers were Wanrong, Linyi, Jishan, Yaodu and Linxian. By the end of September, 92 cases had been reported cumulatively.
Typhoid fever and paratyphoid fever
  Yunnan province: In September 2013, a total of 551 cases were reported with the incidence of 1.19/lakh. The reported cases increased by 33.74% compared with the same period in 2012. The first 5 municipalities (prefecture) reporting high case numbers were Kunming, Honghe, Xishuangbanna, Qujing and Baoshan. The cases were mainly distributed in farmers (48.28%). The male to female ratio of the cases was 1 ∶ 1.
  Hunan province: In September 2013, a total of 109 cases were reported, which declined by 18.05% and increased by 11.22% respectively compared with last month and the same period in 2012. The first 5 municipalities (prefecture) reporting high case numbers were Yongzhou, Huaihua, Hengyang, Shaoyang and Xiangxi, and the first 7 counties (district) were Hecheng, Ningyuan, Jishou, Yanfeng, Leiyang, Lingling and Daoxian. The cases were mainly distributed in farmers (40.37%) and children outside child care settings (22.02%), and in age group 0-9 years (30. 28%). The male to female ratio of the cases was 1.4 ∶ 1. By the end of September, 909 cases had been reported cumulatively.
  Hunan province: In September 2013, a total of 556 cases were reported, an increase of 38.65% and 13.70% respectively compared with last month and the same period in 2012. The first 5 municipalities reporting high case numbers were Huaihua, Shaoyang, Yongzhou, Yueyang and Chenzhou, and the first 5 district were Jianghua, Guiyang, Xupu, Nanyue and Miluo. The cases were mainly distributed in farmers, children outside child care settings and students (80.22%), and in age group 0-9 years (43.88%). The male to female ratio of the cases was 1.3 ∶ 1. By the end of September, 4947 cases had been reported cumulatively.
  Shanxi province: In September 2013, a total of 371 cases were reported. The reported cases increased by 51.43% and 7.23% respectively compared with last month and the same period in 2012. The first 5 counties reporting high case numbers were Zezhou, Huiyuan, Fushan, Yanggao and Datong. By the end of September, 3972 cases had been reported cumulatively.
  Shaanxi province: In September 2013, a total of 151 cases were reported with the incidence of 0.40/lakh. The reported cases increased by 73.56% and declined by 30.09% respectively compared with last month and the same period in 2012. The first 2 municipalities reporting high case numbers Yulin and Hanzhong, and the first 4 counties (district) were Hantai, Yuyang, Zizhou and Hanbin. The cases were mainly distributed in farmers (64.90%) and in age group 20-74 years (73.51%). The male to female ratio of the cases was 0.96 ∶ 1.
Other infectious diarrheal diseases
  Anhui province: In September 2013, a total of 7304 cases were reported, which declined by 17.10% and increased by 17.26% respectively compared with last month and the same period in 2012. The first 5 municipalities reporting high case numbers were Hefei, Suzhou, Maanshan, Anqing and Fuyang, and the first 5 district were Shushan, Baohe, Yaohai, Xiaoxian and Dangshan.
  Hebei province: In September 2013, a total of 5188 cases were reported with the incidence of 7.17/lakh. The reported cases declined by 20.27% and increased by 25.80% respectively compared with last month and the same period in 2012. The municipalities reporting high incidences were Shijiazhuang, Tangshan, Handan, Chengde and Baoding. The cases were mainly distributed in farmers (48.34%) and children outside child care settings (30.67%), and in age groups 0-2 years (27.10%) and 15-69 years (59.10%). The male to female ratio of the cases was 1.46 ∶ 1.
  Hunan province: In September 2013, a total of 2895 cases were reported. The reported cases declined by 9.97% and increased by 15.02% respectively compared with last month and the same period in 2012. The first 5 municipalities reporting high case numbers were Huaihua, Changsha, Zhuzhou, Chenzhou and Shaoyang, and the first 5 district were Liuyang, Lusong, Hecheng, Xinhuang and Jishou. The cases were mainly distributed in children outside child care setting, farmers and students (87.94%), and in age group 0-3 years (51.05%). The male to female ratio of the cases was 1.3 ∶ 1. By the end of September, 20 116 cases had been reported cumulatively.
Hand foot and mouth disease
  Guangxi zhuang autonomous region: In September 2013, a total of 37 431 cases, including 60 severe cases and 1 death, were reported. The reported cases increased by 108.04% and 157.06% respectively compared with last month and the same period in 2012. Among these cases, 88 were laboratory confirmed, including 4 EV71 infections. The first 5 district reporting high case numbers were Xixiangtang, Qingxiu, Xingning, Yuzhou and Jiangnan. The cases were mainly distributed in children outside child care settings (83.99%) and children in child care settings (13.93%), and in age group 0-4 years (95.95%).
  Hunan province: In September 2013, a total of 7789 cases were reported, including 7 severe cases. The reported cases increased by 95.75% and declined by 38.37% respectively compared with last month and the same period in 2012. The first 5 municipalities reporting high case numbers were Hengyang, Changsha, Chenzhou, Yongzhou and Shaoyang, and the first 5 district were Liuyang, Leiyang, Anren, Hengyang and Heshan. The cases were mainly distributed in children outside child care settings (91.60%) and children in child care settings (6.87%), and in age group 0-5 years (98.05%). The cases in age group 0-3 years accounted for 93.03%. The male to female ratio of the cases was 1.7 ∶ 1. By the end of September, 75 335 cases had been reported cumulatively, including 17 deaths.