疾病监测, 2013, 28(11): 874-875
DOI: 10.3784/j.issn.1003-9961.2013.11.002
Summary of selected notifiable communicable diseases in China


Public Health Emergency Center, China CDC

   河北省: 2013年10月全省报告186例,发病率为0.26/10万,死亡2例。报告病例数较上月增加162例,较2012年同期增加185例。报告发病率居前5位的地市为石家庄、衡水、邢台、邯郸和保定。职业以农民为主,占68.82%;年龄以10~69岁为主,占84.41%;男女性别比为1.19 ∶ 1。
   云南省: 2013年10月全省报告233例,发病率为0.50/10万。报告病例数较上月增加229例。报告病例数居前5位的地市为西双版纳州、德宏州、昆明、保山和普洱市。职业以商业服务为主,占38.20%;男女性别比约为1 ∶ 1。
  福建省: 2013年10月全省报告7例。报告病例数较上月减少4例。报告病例分布于涵江、仙游和秀屿。职业为农民渔(船)民、家务及待业、不详;发病以15~50岁为主,占71.43%。2013年截至10月底,全省累计报告29例。
  江西省: 2013年10月全省报告3例。报告病例数与上月持平。报告病例分布于南昌市和九江市。职业为民工、干部职员及商业服务;均为男性。2013年截至10月底,全省累计报告8例。
  河北省: 2013年10月全省报告1762例,发病率为2.43/10万。报告病例数较上月上升29.27%,较2012年同期上升1.67%。报告发病率居前5位的地市为邯郸、张家口、石家庄、邢台和衡水。职业以农民为主,占81.27%;年龄以20~64岁为主,占76.33%;男女性别比为1.56 ∶ 1。
   湖南省: 2013年10月全省报告682例。报告病例数较上月上升22.66%,较2012年同期上升42.98%。报告病例数居前6位的地市为湘西、郴州、永州、岳阳、邵阳和怀化,居前6位的区(县)为永顺县、汨罗市、桂阳县、江华县、苏仙区和零陵区。职业以农民、学生和散居儿童为主,共占78.01%;年龄以0~9岁为主,占44.57%;男女性别比为1.3 ∶ 1。2013年截至10月底,全省累计报告5629例。
  安徽省: 2013年10月全省报告341例。报告病例数较上月上升38.62%,较2012年同期上升4.92%。
  福建省: 2013年10月全省报告337例。报告病例数较上月下降18.60%。2013年截至10月底,全省累计报告3598例,死亡1例。报告病例数居前7位的区(县)为仓山、云霄、诏安、丰泽、鲤城、晋江和龙海。职业以散居儿童、农民、学生和幼托儿童为主,共占91.39%;年龄以0~11岁为主,占55.49%。
   安徽省: 2013年10月全省报告8117例,报告病例数较上月上升11.13%,较2012年同期上升10.68%。报告病例数居前5位的地市为合肥、宿州、安庆、马鞍山和阜阳,居前5位的区(县)为蜀山区、萧县、包河区、瑶海区和泗县。
   河北省: 2013年10月全省报告4660例,发病率6.45/10万。报告病例数较上月下降10.18%,较2012年同期下降3.54%。报告发病率居前5位的地市为石家庄、邯郸、唐山、承德和保定。职业以散居儿童和农民为主,分别占48.13%和38.20%;年龄以0~1岁及25~64岁为主,分别占41.31%和35.69%;男女性别比为1.52 ∶ 1。
   广西壮族自治区: 2013年10月全省报告2977例,死亡1例。报告病例数较上月上升11.50%,较2012年同期下降3.56%。报告病例数居前5位的区(县)为马山县、平南县、西乡塘区、容县和大化县。职业以散居儿童为主,占78.77%;年龄以0~3岁为主,占77.80%。
  湖南省: 2013年10月全省报告2962例。报告病例数较上月上升2.31%,较2012年同期上升15.21%。报告病例数居前5位的地市为长沙、株洲、怀化、郴州和邵阳,居前5位的区(县)为浏阳市、攸县、芦淞区、长沙县和雨花区。职业以散居儿童、农民和学生为主,共占87.98%;年龄以0~3岁为主,占56.58%;男女性别比为1.4 ∶ 1。2013年截至10月底,全省累计报告23 066例。
  福建省: 2013年10月全省报告2946例。报告病例数较上月上升26.55%。报告病例数居前5位的为漳浦县、晋江市、同安区、仓山区和长汀县。职业以散居儿童和农民为主,分别占78.55%和10.93%;年龄以0~3岁为主,占74.20%。2013年累计报告20 182例。
  云南省: 2013年10月全省报告1377例,发病率2.97/10万。报告病例数居前5位的地市为昆明、文山、玉溪、昭通和红河。职业以散居儿童和农民为主,共占88.02%;年龄以0~5岁为主;男女性别比为1.35 ∶ 1。
  新疆建设兵团: 2013年10月全省报告525例。报告病例数较上月上升36.01%,较2012年同期上升38.16%,报告病例数居前5位的地区为农八师石河子、农六师、农三师、农一师和农七师。职业以散居儿童和幼托儿童为主,共占85.14%;年龄以0~2岁为主,占73.71%。

Japanese encephalitis
  Hebei province: In October 2013, a total of 186 cases were reported, including 2 deaths. The incidence was 0.26/lakh. The reported case number increased by 162 and 185 respectively compared with last month and the same period in 2012. The first 5 municipalities reporting high incidences were Shijiazhuang, Hengshui, Xingtai, Handan and Baoding. The cases were mainly distributed in Farmers (68.82%) and in age group 10-69 years (84.41%). The male to female ratio of the cases was 1.19 ∶ 1.
Dengue fever
  Yunnan province: In October 2013, a total of 233 cases were reported with the incidence of 0.50/lakh. The reported case number increased by 229 compared with last month. The first 5 municipalities (prefecture) reporting high case numbers were Xishuangbanna, Dehong, Kunming, Baoshan and Puer. The cases were mainly distributed in people engaged in public service (38.20%). The male to female ratio of the cases was about 1 ∶ 1.
  Fujian province: In October 2013, seven cases were reported, which was a decline of 4 compared with last month. The cases were mainly reported in Hanjiang, Xianyou and Xiuyu. The cases were mainly distributed in farmers/fishers, household servants/the unemployed and others, and in age group 15-50 years (71.43%). By the end of October, 29 cases had been reported cumulatively in 2013.
  Jiangxi province: In October 2013, three cases were reported. The case number was same to last month. The cases were reported in Nanchang and Jiujiang. The cases were three males, who are a migrant worker, a staff and a person engaged in public service. By the end of October, 8 cases had been reported cumulatively in 2013.
  Hebei province: In October 2013, a total of 1762 cases were reported, with the incidence of 2.43/lakh. The reported cases increased by 29.27% and 1.67% respectively compared with last month and the same period in 2012. The first 5 municipalities reporting high incidences were Handan, Zhangjiakou, Shijiazhuang, Xingtai and Hengshui. The cases were mainly distributed in farmers (81.27%) and in age group 20-64 years (76.33%). The male to female ratio of the cases was 1.56 ∶ 1.
  Hunan province: In October 2013, a total of 682 cases were reported, which increased by 22.66% and 42.98% respectively compared with last month and the same period in 2012. The first 6 municipalities (prefecture) reporting high case numbers were Xiangxi, Chenzhou, Yongzhou, Yueyang, Shaoyang and Huaihua, the first 6 counties (district) were Yongshun, Miluo, Guiyang, Jianghua, Suxian and Lingling. The cases were mainly distributed in farmers, students and children outside child care settings (78.01%) and in age group 0-9 years (44.57%). The male to female ratio of the cases was 1.3 ∶ 1. By the end of October, 5629 cases had been reported cumulatively in 2013.
  Anhui province: In October 2013, a total of 341 cases were reported, which was an increase of 38.62% and 4.92% respectively compared with last month and the same period in 2012.
  Fujian province: In October 2013, a total of 337 cases were reported. The reported cases declined by 18.60% compared with last month. By the end of October, 3598 cases, including 1 death, had been reported cumulatively in 2013. The first 7 counties (district) reporting high case numbers were Cangshan, Yunxiao, Zhao'an, Fengze, Licheng, Jinjiang and Longhai. The cases were mainly distributed in children outside child care settings, farmers, students and children in child care settings (91.39%) and in age group 0-11 years (55.49%).
Other infectious diarrheal diseases
  Anhui province: In October 2013, a total of 8117 cases were reported, which increased by 11.13% and 10.68% respectively compared with last month and the same period in 2012. The first 5 municipalities reporting high case numbers were Hefei, Suzhou, Anqing, Maanshan and Fuyang, the first 5 counties (district) were Shushan, Xiaoxian, Baohe, Yaohai and Sixian.
  Hebei province: In October 2013, a total of 4660 cases were reported with the incidence of 6.45/lakh. The reported cases declined by 10.18% and 3.54% respectively compared with last month and the same period in 2012. The first 5 municipalities reporting high incidences were Shijiazhuang, Handan, Tangshan, Chengde and Baoding. The cases were mainly distributed in children outside child care settings (48.13%) and farmers (38.20%) and in age group 0-1 years (41.31%) and age group 25-64 years (35.69%). The male to female ratio of the cases was 1.52 ∶ 1.
  Guangxi zhuang autonomous region: In October 2013, a total of 2977 cases were reported, including 1 death. The reported cases increased by 11.50% and declined by 3.56% respectively compared with last month and the same period in 2012. The first 5 counties (district) reporting high case numbers were Mashan, Pingnan, Xixiangtang, Rongxian and Dahua. The cases were mainly distributed in children outside child care settings (78.77%) and in age group 0-3 years (77.80%).
  Hunan province: In October 2013, a total of 2962 cases were reported. The reported cases increased by 2.31% and 15.21% respectively compared with last month and the same period in 2012. The first 5 municipalities reporting high case numbers were Changsha, Zhuzhou, Huaihua, Chenzhou and Shaoyang, the first 5 counties (district) were Liuyang, Youxian, Lusong, Changsha and Yuhua. The cases were mainly distributed in children outside child care settings, farmers and students (87.98%) and in age group 0-3 years (56.58%). The male to female ratio of the cases was 1.4 ∶ 1. By the end of October, 23 066 cases had been reported cumulatively in 2013.
  Fujian province: In October 2013, a total of 2946 cases were reported. The reported cases increased by 26.55% compared with last month. The first 5 counties (district) reporting high case numbers were Zhangpu, Jinjiang, Tong'an, Cangshan and Changting. The cases were mainly distributed in children outside child care settings (78.55%) and farmers (10.93%) and in age group 0-3 years (74.20%). Totally 20 182 cases had been reported cumulatively in 2013.
  Yunnan province: In October 2013, a total of 1377 cases were reported with the incidence of 2.97/lakh. The first 5 municipalities (prefecture) reporting high case numbers were Kunming, Wenshan, Yuxi, Zhaotong and Honghe. The cases were mainly distributed in children outside child care settings and framers (88.02%) and in age group 0-5 years. The male to female ratio of the cases was 1.35 ∶ 1.
  Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps: In October 2013, a total of 525 cases were reported. The reported cases increased by 36.01% and 38.16% respectively compared with last month and the same period in 2012. The first 5 agricultural divisions reporting high case numbers were No. 8 division, No.6 division, No. 3 division, No. 1 division and No. 7 division. The cases were mainly distributed in children in and outside child care settings (85.14%) and in age group 0-2 years (73.71%).