疾病监测, 2014, 29(2): 86-87
DOI: 10.3784/j.issn.1003-9961.2014.02.002
Summary of selected notifiable communicable diseases in China (January 2014)


Public Health Emergency Center, China CDC

  青海省: 2014年1月全省报告50例,发病率0.87/10万,无死亡。报告病例数较上月上升66.67%,较2013年同期上升525.00%。报告发病率居前2位为达日县和玛多县。年龄以0~4岁为主,占92.00%。
  吉林省: 2014年1月全省报告115例,发病率0.42/10万。报告病例数较上月上升4.55%,与2013年同期下降20.69%。报告发病率居前3位的地市为白城、松原和四平。
   浙江省: 2014年1月全省报告61例,死亡17例。报告病例数居前6位的地市为杭州、宁波、绍兴、湖州、台州和温州。职业以农民及离退人员为主,占72.13%,其次为商业服务和工人;年龄中位数60岁;男女性别比为1.77 ∶ 1。
  湖南省: 2014年1月全省报告2例。上月及2013年同期均无病例报告。病例分布于岳阳和永州。职业均为农民,年龄分别为58岁和39岁,男女性别比为1.00 ∶ 1。
  浙江省: 2014年1月全省报告3571例,死亡1例。报告病例数较上月上升157.09%,较2013年同期增加18.41倍。报告病例数居前5位的地市为台州、宁波、杭州、绍兴和金华,居前5位的市(区)为义乌市、鄞州区、越城区、椒江区和临海市。职业以散居儿童为主,占20.36%,其次为农民和学生。
   湖南省: 2014年1月全省报告1464例,死亡1例。报告病例数较上月上升18.06%,较2013年同期上升134.24%。报告病例数居前5位的地市为株洲、长沙、郴州、湘西和怀化,居前的市(区)为苏仙区、吉首市、雨花区、武陵区和芦淞区。职业以散居儿童、学生和农民为主,共占76.57%;年龄以0~6岁为主,占44.13%;男女性别比为1.50 ∶ 1。
  湖南省: 2014年1月全省报告2458例。报告病例数较上月下降1.15%,较2013年同期上升23.70%。报告病例数居前5位的地市为长沙、怀化、株洲、郴州和邵阳,居前5位的区(县)为雨花区、辰溪县、鹤城区、汝城县和天元区。职业以散居儿童、农民和学生为主,共占病例总数的86.98%;年龄以0~2岁为主,占53.82%;男女性别比为1.50 ∶ 1。
   青海省: 2014年1月全省报告211例,发病率3.68/10万。报告病例数较上月下降31.72%,较2013年同期上升6.03%。报告发病率居前2位的为玛多县和河南县。年龄以0~5岁为主,占88.15%。
  湖南省: 2014年1月全省报告6466例,重症7例,无死亡。报告病例数较上月下降50.46%,较2013年同期上升57.48%。报告病例数居前5位的地市为长沙、永州、常德、益阳和娄底,居前5位的县(市)为宁乡县、浏阳市、长沙县、桃江县和新化县。职业以散居儿童及幼托儿童为主,分别占89.27%和8.61%;年龄以0~5岁为主,占97.17%,其中0~3岁占88.91%;男女性别比为1.50 ∶ 1。
   浙江省: 2014年1月全省报告3349例,无重症及死亡。报告病例数较上月下降56.64%,较2013年同期下降35.56%。报告病例数居前的地市为温州、衢州、宁波、金华及杭州,报告发病率居前的地市为衢州、金华、温州、宁波及丽水。职业以散居儿童和和幼托儿童为主,共占96.51%;年龄以0~5岁为主,占94.48%,其中1岁和2岁组分别占29.92%和24.04%。

  Qinghai province: In January 2014, 50 cases were reported without death, the incidence was 0.87/lakh. The reported cases increased by 66.67% and 525.00% respectively compared with last month and the same period in 2013. The first 2 counties reporting high incidences were Dari and Maduo. The cases were mainly distributed in age group 0-4 years, accounting for 92.00%.
  Jilin province: In January 2014, a total of 115 cases were reported with the incidence of 0.42/lakh. The reported cases increased by 4.55% and declined by 20.69% respectively compared with last month and the same period in 2013. The first 5 cities reporting high incidences were Baicheng, Songyuan and Siping.
Human infection with influenza A (H7N9) virus
  Zhejiang province: In January 2014, a total of 61 cases were reported, including 17 deaths. The first 5 cities reporting high case numbers were Hangzhou, Ningbo, Shaoxing, Huzhou, Taizhou and Wenzhou. The cases were mainly farmers and the retired, accounting for 72.13%, followed by people engaged in commercial service and workers. The median of the cases' age was 60 years. The male to female ratio of the cases was 1.77∶1.
  Hunan province: In January 2014, 2 cases were reported. No cases were reported in last month and during the same period in 2013. The disease occurred in Yueyang and Yongzhou. Two cases were farmers aged 58 and 39 years. The male to female ratio of the cases was 1.00:1.
  Zhejiang province: In January 2014, a total of 3571 cases were reported, including 1 death. The reported cases increased by 157.09% and 18.41 folds respectively compared with last month and the same period in 2013. The first 5 cities reporting high case numbers were Taizhou, Ningbo, Hangzhou, Shaoxing and Jinhua, and the first 5 counties (district) were Yiwu, Yinzhou, Yuecheng, Jiaojiang and Linhai. The cases were mainly children outside child care settings (20.36%), followed by farmers and students.
  Hunan province:In January 2014, a total of 1464 cases were reported, including 1 death. The reported cases increased by 18.06% and 134.24% respectively compared with last month and the same period in 2013. The first 5 cities (prefecture) reporting high case numbers were Zhuzhou, Changsha, Chenzhou, Xiangxi and Huaihua, and the first 5 counties (district) were Suxian, Jishou, Yuhua, Wuling and Lusong. The cases were mainly distributed in children outside child care settings, students and farmers (76.57%) and in age group 0-6 years (44.13%). The male to female ratio of the cases was 1.50∶1.
Other infectious diarrheal diseases
  Hunan province: In January 2014, a total of 2458 cases were reported. The reported cases declined by 1.15% and increased by 23.70% respectively compared with last month and the same period in 2013. The first 5 cities reporting high case numbers were Changsha, Huaihua, Zhuzhou, Chenzhou and Shaoyang, and the first 5 counties (district) were Yuhua, Chenxi, Hecheng, Rucheng and Tianyuan. The cases were mainly distributed in children outside child care settings, farmers and students (86.98%) and in age group 0-2 years (53.82%). The male to female ratio of the cases was 1.50∶1.
  Qinghai province: In January 2014, a total of 211 cases were reported with the incidence of 3.68/lakh. The reported cases declined by 31.72% and increased by 6.03% respectively compared with last month and the same period in 2013. The first 2 counties reporting high incidences were Maduo and Henan. The cases were mainly distributed in age group 0-5 years, accounting for 88.15%.
Hand foot and mouth disease
  Hunan province: In January 2014, a total of 6466 cases, including 7 severe cases, were reported without death, The reported cases declined by 50.46% and increased by 57.48% respectively compared with last month and the same period in 2013. The first 5 cities reporting high case numbers were Changsha, Yongzhou, Changde, Yiyang and Loudi, and the first 5 counties (district) were Ningxiang, Liuyang, Changsha, Taojiang and Xinhua. The cases were mainly distributed in children outside child care settings (89.27%) and in children in child care settings (8.61%). The cases in age groups 0-5 and 0-3 years accounted for 97.17% and 88.91% respectively. The male to female ratio of the cases was 1.50∶1.
  Zhejiang province: In January 2014, a total of 3349 cases were reported without severe case and death. The reported cases declined by 56.64% and 35.56% respectively compared with last month and the same period in 2013. The first 5 cities reporting high case numbers were Wenzhou, Quzhou, Ningbo, Jinhua and Hangzhou. And the first 5 cities reporting high incidences were Quzhou, Jinhua, Wenzhou, Ningbo and Lishui. The cases were mainly distributed in children in and outside child care settings (96.51%) and in age group 0-5 years (94.48%). The cases in age groups 0-1 year and 0-2 years accounting for 29.92% and 24.04% respectively.