疾病监测  2015, Vol. 30 Issue (2): 86-87



Public Health Emergency Center
Summary of selected notifiable communicable diseases in China (January 2015)
疾病监测, 2015, 30(2): 86-87
Disease Surveillance, 2015, 30(2): 86-87
Summary of selected notifiable communicable diseases in China (January 2015)
Public Health Emergency Center
Public Health Emergency Center, China CDC


四川省: 2015年1月全省报告519例。报告病例数较2014年同期上升5666.67%。报告病例数居前4位的地市为遂宁市、凉山州、南充市和达州市。

重庆市: 2015年1月全省报告286例。报告病例数较上月上升12.16%,较2014年同期上升9433.33%。报告病例数居前的县为酉阳县,占10.84%。

湖南省: 2015年1月全省报告78例。报告病例数较上月上升86%,较2014年同期上升160%。报告病例数居前5位的地市为邵阳、岳阳、衡阳、张家界和长沙。年龄以0岁组为主,占47.4%,职业以散居儿童为主,占84.6%;男女性别比为1.4 ∶ 1。

山西省: 2015年1月全省报告76例。报告病例数较上月上升90%,较2014年同期上升80.95%,报告病例数居前5位的地市为太原、长治、吕梁、晋中和沂州市。

青海省: 2015年1月全省报告75例,死亡1例。报告病例数较上月上升66.67%,较2014年同期上升53.06%。发病率较高的县为曲麻莱县和杂多县。年龄以2岁以下为主,占72.0%。

云南省: 2015年1月全省报告70例。报告病例数较2014年同期上升288.89%,报告病例数居前4位的地市为昭通市、昆明市、曲靖市和文山州。年龄以0~4岁为主;职业以散居儿童为主,占84.29%;男女性别比为1.7 ∶ 1。

广西壮族自治区: 2015年1月全省报告21例。报告病例数较上月上升40%,较2014年同期下降65%,报告病例数居前的为百色市右江区。年龄以1岁以下为主,占38.1%;职业以散居儿童为主。


广西壮族自治区: 2015年1月全省报告6741例,死亡2例。报告病例数较上月上升52.34%,较2014年同期上升39.13%。报告病例数居前5位的县(区)为灵山县、平南县、南宁市西乡塘区、来宾市兴宾区和藤县。年龄以0~3岁组为主,占78.9%;职业以散居儿童为主,占79.5%。

福建省: 2015年1月全省报告6525例。报告病例数较上月上升16.91%。报告病例数居前5位的县(区)为漳浦、同安、仓山、晋江和蕉城。年龄以1岁组为主,占37.7%;职业以散居儿童为主,占85.5%。

江西省: 2015年1月全省报告2890例。报告病例数较上月下降31.92%,较2014年同期上升43.78%;报告病例数居前5位的县(区)为瑞金市、信丰县、章贡区、浔阳区和修水县。年龄以3岁以下为主,占56.1%。职业以散居儿童为主,占60.3%;男女性别比为1.5 ∶ 1。


湖南省: 2015年1月全省报告170例。报告病例数较上月上升37%,较2014年同期上升315%。报告病例数居前5位的地市为长沙、株洲、益阳、岳阳和湘潭。年龄以3~7岁组为主,占83%;职业以散居儿童、学生和幼托儿童为主,占99%;男女性别比为2.2 ∶ 1。

四川省: 2015年1月全省报告154例。报告病例数较2014年同期上升214.29%。报告病例数居前的为成都市,占50.65%。

福建省: 2015年1月全省报告103例。报告病例数较上月上升128.89%,报告病例数居前5位的县(区)为海沧、同安、新罗、思明和集美。年龄以6岁组为主,占20.4%;职业以幼托儿童为主,占42.7%。


Sichuan province: In January 2015, a total of 519 cases were reported, an increase of 5666.67% over the same period in 2014. At municipal (prefecture) level, Suining, Liangshan, Nanchong and Dazhou ranked 1st-4th in reporting high case number.

Chongqing municipality: In January 2015, a total of 286 cases were reported, which increased by 12.16% and 9433.33% respectively compared with last month and the same period in 2014. Youyang county reported highest case number, accounting for 10.84%.

Hunan province: In January 2015, a total of 78 cases were reported, which increased by 86% and 160% respectively compared with last month and the same period in 2014. At municipal (prefecture) level, Shaoyang, Yueyang, Hengyang, Zhangjiajie and Changsha ranked 1st -5th in reporting high case number. The cases were mainly distributed in age group 0 year (47.4%) and in children outside child care settings (84.6%). The male to female ratio of the cases was 1.4 ∶ 1.

Shanxi province: In January 2015, a total of 76 cases were reported, which increased by 90% and 80.95% respectively compared with last month and the same period in 2014. At municipal (prefecture) level, Taiyuan, Changzhi, Lvliang, Jinzhong and Xinzhou ranked 1st -5th in reporting high case number.

Qinghai province: In January 2015, a total of 75 cases were reported, including 1 death. The reported cases increased by 66.67% and 53.06% respectively compared with last month and the same period in 2014. The incidences were high in Qumalai and Zaduo counties. The cases were mainly distributed in age group <2 years, accounting for 72.0%.

Yunnan province: In January 2015, a total of 70 cases were reported, an increase of 288.89% over the same period in 2014. At municipal (prefecture) level, Zhaotong, Kunming, Qujing and Wenshan ranked 1st-4th in reporting high case number. The cases were mainly distributed in age group 0-4 years and in children outside child care settings (84.29%). The male to female ratio of the cases was 1.7 ∶ 1.

Guangxi zhunag autonomous region: In January 2015, a total of 21 cases were reported, which increased by 40% and declined by 65% respectively compared with last month and the same period in 2014. The case number reported in Youjiang district of Baise was highest. The cases were mainly distributed in age group <1 year (38.1%) and in children outside child care settings.

Other infectious diarrheal diseases

Guangxi zhunag autonomous region: In January 2015, a total of 6741 cases were reported, including 2 deaths. The reported cases increased by 52.34% and 39.13% respectively compared with last month and the same period in 2014. At county (district) level, Linshan, Pingnan, Xixiangtang of Nanning, Xingbin of Laibin and Tengxian ranked 1st -5th in reporting high case number. The cases were mainly distributed in age group 0-3 years (78.9%) and in children outside child care settings (79.5%).

Fujian province: In January 2015, a total of 6525 cases were reported, an increase of 16.91% over the same period in 2014. At county (district) level, Zhangpu, Tong’an, Cangshan, Jinjiang and Jiaocheng ranked 1st-5th in reporting high case number. The cases were mainly distributed in age group 1 year (37.7%) and in children outside child care settings (85.5%).

Jiangxi province: In January 2015, a total of 2890 cases were reported, which declined by 31.92% and increased by 43.78% respectively compared with last month and the same period in 2014. At county (district) level, Ruijin, Xinfeng, Zhanggong, Xunyang and Xiushui ranked 1st-5th in reporting high case number. The cases were mainly distributed in age group <3 years (56.1%) and in children outside child care settings (60.3%). The male to female ratio of the cases was 1.5 ∶ 1.

Scarlet fever

Hunan province: In January 2015, a total of 170 cases were reported, which increased by 37% and 315% respectively compared with last month and the same period in 2014. At municipal (prefecture) level, Changsha, Zhuzhou, Yiyang, Yueyang and Xiangtan ranked 1st -5th in reporting high case number. The cases were mainly distributed in age group 3-7 years (83%) and in children in/outside child care settings and students (99%). The male to female ratio of the cases was 2.2 ∶ 1.

Sichuan province: In January 2015, a total of 154 cases were reported, an increase of 214.29% over the same period in 2014. Chengdu reported highest case number, accounting for 50.65%.

Fujian province: In January 2015, a total of 103 cases were reported, an increase of 128.89% compared with last month. At county (district) level, Haicang, Tong’an, Xinluo, Siming and Jimei ranked 1st -5th in reporting high case number. The cases were mainly distributed in age group 6 years (20.4%) and in children in child care settings (42.7%).