疾病监测  2015, Vol. 30 Issue (8): 657-662



刘炜炜, 胡跃华, 冯国双, 邵华, 刘世炜, 李镒冲, 么鸿雁, 周脉耕, 于石成
LIU Wei-wei, HU Yue-hua, FENG Guo-shuang, SHAO Hua, LIU Shi-wei, LI Yi-chong, YAO Hong-yan, ZHOU Mai-geng, YU Shi-cheng
Burden of viral hepatitis in China, 1990-2010
疾病监测, 2015, 30(8): 657-662
Disease Surveillance, 2015, 30(8): 657-662


刘炜炜1, 2, 胡跃华1, 冯国双3 , 邵华1, 4, 刘世炜1, 李镒冲1, 么鸿雁1, 周脉耕1, 于石成1     
1. 中国疾病预防控制中心流行病学办公室, 北京 102206;
2. 汉中市洋县疾病预防控制中心, 陕西 汉中 723300;
3. 北京儿童医院临床流行病与循证医学中心, 北京 100045;
4. 通辽市疾病预防控制中心, 内蒙古 通辽 028000
摘要目的 了解我国分性别、分年龄组甲、乙、丙、戊型病毒性肝炎的患病、死亡、疾病负担情况及20年的变化规律。 方法 利用2010年全球疾病负担研究(GBD 2010)中国病毒性肝炎结果,以2010年全国人口普查数据作为标准人口,对患病率、死亡率和疾病负担率指标进行标化;分性别、分年龄组对4种病毒性肝炎患病情况、死亡情况和疾病负担指标进行统计描述。 结果 中国1990年病毒性肝炎的患病数、标化患病率、死亡数、标化死亡率、伤残调整生命年 (disability-adjusted life years,DALY)、标化DALY率、早死造成的生命损失年(years of life lost,YLL)、标化YLL率、伤残损失的健康生命年(years lived with disability,YLD)和标化YLD率分别为5 912 987.44例、42 903.75/1000万、33 267.39例、348.06/1000万、1 480 678.28人年、13 841.84年/1000万、1 366 636.53人年、13 016.86年/1000万、114 041.75人年和825.15年/1000万,与之相比,2010年患病数、标化患病率、死亡数、YLD和标化YLD率增加,增幅分别为10.40%、10.09%、24.01%、8.12%和7.70%;标化死亡率、DALY、标化DALY率、YLL和标化YLL下降,减幅分别为2.37%、2.63%、25.34%、3.64%和28.26%。对于甲肝, 除≥15岁组患病数和YLD在20年间呈上升趋势外,其余各年龄组的所有指标呈下降趋势; <5岁组的儿童是甲肝高患病率和高DALY率人群,其值1990年分别为73 523.00/1000万和5023.00年/1000万,2010年分别为73 333.00/1000万和1935.00年/1000万。乙肝随年龄组增大患病率大致呈下降趋势,而死亡率大致呈上升趋势; 15~49岁组乙肝患病人数最多,患病率最低,50~69岁组DALY在20年间迅速上升,2010年为507 041.40人年,其值在各年龄组中最高。15~49 岁和50~69岁组是丙肝高患病和高负担人群,≥70岁组是其高死亡率人群,其值从1990年的33.40/1000万上升到2010年的52.80/1000万,增幅为36.74%。关于戊肝, <5岁和5~14岁组患病率和YLD率在过去20年呈上升趋势,其余各指标均呈下降趋势;50~69岁和≥70岁组各指标均呈上升趋势,其中50~69岁组患病率、死亡率和DALY的增幅分别为36.03%、20.10%和53.82%,≥70岁组分别为30.48%、31.96%和58.38%。 结论 按分性别、分年龄组描述患病、死亡和疾病负担更能准确地突出病毒性肝炎的防控重点,针对存在的主要问题,提出行之有效的策略措施。
关键词患病率    死亡率    疾病负担    病毒性肝炎    
Burden of viral hepatitis in China, 1990-2010
LIU Wei-wei1, 2, HU Yue-hua1, FENG Guo-shuang3 , SHAO Hua1, 4, LIU Shi-wei1, LI Yi-chong1, YAO Hong-yan1, ZHOU Mai-geng1, YU Shi-cheng1     
1. Office of Epidemiology, Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Beijing 102206, China;
2. Yangxian County Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Hanzhong 723300, Shaanxi, China;
3. Clinical Epidemiology and Evidence-based Medicine Center, Beijing Children's Hospital, Beijing 100045, China;
4. Tongliao Prefecture Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Tongliao 028000, Inner Mongolia, China
Abstract:Objective To understand the sex and age specific prevalence, mortality and burden of disease of viral hepatitis A, B, C and E in China during the past 20 years. Methods Descriptive analysis was conducted on the sex and age specific prevalence, mortality and other disease burden indicators of viral hepatitis A, B, C and E in China by using the data from China viral hepatitis survey in Global Burden of Disease Study 2010 (GBD 2010), which were standardized according to the standardized population data in China in 2010. Results In 1990, a total of 5 912 987.44 cases of viral hepatitis, including 33 267.39 deaths were reported in China with the standardized prevalence of 42 903.75/10 million and standardized mortality of 348.06/10 million, the disability-adjusted life years (DALY) and standardized DALY rate were 1 480 678.28 person-years and 13 841.84 person years /10 million respectively, the years of life lost due to premature mortality (YLL) and standardized YLL rate were 1 366 636.53 person years and 13 016.86 person years/10 million respectively, and the years lived with disability (YLD) and standardized YLD rate were 114 041.75 person years and 825.15 person years /10 million, respectively. In 2010, the cases, standardized prevalence, deaths, YLD, and standardized YLD rate increased by 10.40%, 10.09%, 24.01%, 8.12% and 7.70%; respectively, but standardized mortality, DALY, standardized DALY rate, YLL and standardized YLL rate declined by 2.37%, 2.63%, 25.34%, 3.64% and 28.26% respectively. For hepatitis A, except the increase of cases and YLD in the group ≥15 years, all the indicators showed a downward trend in all the other age groups during the past 20 years. The prevalence rate and DALY rate of hepatitis A were high in age group <5 years, which were 73 523.00 /10 million and 5023.00 person years /10 million in 1990 and 73 333.00 /10 million and 1935 person years /10 million in 2010. The prevalence of hepatitis B declined with age, but the mortality increased substantially. The case number of hepatitis B was highest in age group 15-49 years, but the prevalence was lowest. The DALY of hepatitis B in age group 50-69 years increased rapidly during the past 20 years, which was 507 041.40 person-year in 2010, highest in all age groups. The prevalence of hepatitis C was high in age groups 15-49 years and 50-69 years, and the mortality of hepatitis C was high in age group≥70 years, which increased from 33.40 /10 million in 1990 to 52.80 /10 million in 2010, an increase of 36.74%. For hepatitis E, the prevalence and YLD rate in age groups<5 years and 5-14 years increased during the past 20 years, but the other indicators declined. All the indicators of hepatitis E in age groups 50-69 years and ≥ 70 years showed an upward trend during the past 20 years, the prevalence, mortality and DALY increased by 36.03%, 20.10% and 53.82% respectively in age group 50-69 years and 30.48%, 31.96% and 58.38% respectively in age group of ≥70 years. Conclusion It is necessary to take effective measures for the prevention and control of viral hepatitis according to the sex and age specific prevalence and mortality of viral hepatitis.
Key words: Prevalence    Mortality    Disease burden of disease    Viral hepatitis    

在我国法定报告传染病中,病毒性肝炎发病率一直以来都居于首位,2012年总发病人数为138万,发病率102.48/10万,死亡率0.06/10万。其中甲型病毒性肝炎(甲肝)的发病率为1.81/10万;乙型病毒性肝炎(乙肝)的发病率为80.68/10万,占总发病率的50%以上,死亡率为0.04/10万,慢性乙肝病毒(HBV)携带者超过1.2亿。丙型病毒性肝炎(丙肝)的发病率为14.96/10万,戊型病毒性肝炎(戊肝)的发病率为2.02/10万。病毒性肝炎的人均医药费用约为7418.2元[1],如果对肝炎流行现状不加以控制,政府就需要投入更多的卫生经费和资源,将给我国居民健康和经济发展造成极大影响。本研究应用2010年全球疾病负担(the global burden of disease study 2010,GBD 2010)研究结果[2],展示了1990年和2010年病毒性肝炎的发病、死亡和疾病负担指标及20年变化趋势,分析肝炎工作的薄弱环节,选择肝炎防治的突出问题,同时为合理配置卫生资源和制定针对性的肝炎防治策略措施提供依据。

1 资料与方法 1.1 数据来源

数据来源于GBD 2010研究结果,其资料收集基于多个数据来源,主要包括全国卫生服务调查、我国法定传染病监测报告、死因报告系统,我国20042005年第3次死因回顾调查、19892011年全国疾病监测系统死因监测、医院的死亡监测资料、19802010年已发表和可利用的未发表的病毒性肝炎发病率、患病率、缓解和死亡率文献资料和报告,以及其他一些社会经济指标。

1.2 疾病分类与编码

用《疾病和有关健康问题的国际统计分类第十次修订本》(ICD-10)的标准进行编码和归类,把各种疾病对应到GBD 2010病因列表,对不明确的死因诊断重新分配编码和处理垃圾编码。本报告描述了4种类型(甲、乙、丙、戊)病毒性肝炎。

1.3 分析方法

本报告分性别展示1990年和2010年病毒性肝炎的患病数、死亡数和疾病负担指标及标化率(2010年全国人口普查结果为标准人口),并计算每个指标20年间变化幅度。分疾病类型和分年龄组展示患病情况、死亡情况、疾病负担指标及20年间各指标的变化幅度及其趋势[3, 4, 5, 6]

2 结果 2.1 中国1990年和2010年分性别病毒性肝炎的患病、死亡和疾病负担情况 2.1.1 患病水平的变化


2.1.2 死亡水平的变化


2.1.3 伤残调整生命年(disability-adjusted life years,DALY)、早死造成的生命损失年(years of life lost,YLL)和伤残损失的健康生命年(years lived with disability,YLD)

1990-2010年,中国病毒性肝炎DALY(率)的下降来源于YLL(率)的降低,YLD(率)和分性别YLD(率)均呈上升趋势,见表 1

表 1 1990年和2010年中国病毒性肝炎4种类型的患病、死亡和疾病负担情况 Table. 1 Overall prevalence,mortality and other disease burden indicators of viral hepatitis in China,1990-2010
19903 344 729.9347 257.5823 097.36469.591 038 922.9018 960.87975 862.3118 070.7563 060.58890.14
20103 832 598.6752 905.1131 148.65479.191 056 708.2315 824.17986 365.5814 858.9170 342.63965.47
增量487 868.745 647.538 051.299.6117 785.33-3 136.6910 503.28-3 211.847 282.0575.33
19902 568 257.5038 320.8710 170.03220.69441 755.388 377.41390 774.227 620.4050 981.17757.56
20102 766 742.2142 151.5712 632.26197.03386 068.706 021.01332 294.825 204.6253 773.89816.12
增量198 484.723 830.702 462.23-23.66-55 686.68-2 356.41-58 479.40-2 415.782 792.7258.56
19905 912 987.4442 903.7533 267.39348.061 480 678.2813 841.841 366 636.5313 016.86114 041.75825.15
20106 599 341.0147 719.9143 780.91340.001 442 776.9111 043.051 318 660.4010 148.63124 116.52894.00
增量686 353.574 816.1610 513.52-8.05-37 901.36-2 798.79-47 976.13-2 868.2310 074.7768.85
2.2 中国1990和2010年不同年龄组甲肝患病、死亡和疾病负担情况

甲肝各年龄组在20年间各指标大致呈下降趋势,<5岁组儿童是甲肝的高患率和高DALY率人群,而≥15岁组高死亡率人群,见表 2

表 2 1990年和2010年中国甲肝患病、死亡和疾病负担情况 Table. 2 Prevalence,mortality and other disease burden indicators of viral hepatitis A in China,1990-2010
1990875 550.0173 523.00533.7944.8059 820.285023.0045 383.133811.0014 437.151212.00
2010602 794.0973 333.0069.598.4715 905.621935.005 958.15725.009 947.471210.00
增量-272 755.92-190.00-464.19-36.33-43 914.66-3088.00-39 424.98-3086.00-4 489.68-2.00
1990253 585.0612 797.0099.065.0015 793.42797.007 511.61379.008 281.81418.00
2010208 178.1811 607.006.650.377 369.42411.00502.8928.006 866.54383.00
增量-45 406.88-1 190.00-92.41-4.63-8 424.00-386.00-7 008.73-351.00-1 415.27-35.00
增幅(%)-21.81-10.25-1389.36-1247.71-114.31-93.92-1 393.70-1253.57-20.61-9.14
1990388 615.384 714.006413.6177.80232 859.372825.00220 320.452673.0012 538.92152.00
2010419 833.763 886.005141.7347.60155 860.031443.00142 264.521317.0013 595.51126.00
增量31 218.38-828.00-1271.88-30.20-76 999.34-1382.00-78 055.93-1356.001 056.59-26.00
2.3 中国1990和2010年不同年龄组乙肝患病、死亡和疾病负担情况

随着年龄组增大,患病率大致呈下降趋势,死亡率呈上升趋势。<5岁组儿童20年间各指标均呈下降趋势,而50~69岁和≥70岁组中老年人各指标呈上升趋势。15~49岁年龄组乙肝患者人数最多,患病率最低,<5岁年龄组患病率最高。50~69岁和≥70岁年龄组是乙肝的高死亡和高疾病负担人群,见表 3

表 3 中国1990和2010年乙肝患病、死亡和疾病负担情况 Table. 3 Prevalence,mortality and other disease burden indicators of viral hepatitis B in China,1990-2010
1990976 561.8682 005.00790.7866.4083 418.847 005.0067 568.155 674.0015 850.701331.00
2010640 378.0777 905.00103.8012.6019 340.532 353.008 904.871 083.0010 435.661270.00
增量-336 183.79-4 100.00-686.97-53.80-64 078.31-4 652.00-58 663.28-4 591.00-5 415.04-61.00
1990964 317.6048 665.0085.144.3022 128.921 117.006 477.95327.0015 650.97790.00
2010876 080.5148 844.005.150.2914 682.47819.00391.3521.8014 291.12797.00
增量-88 237.09179.00-79.99-4.01-7 446.45-298.00-6 086.60-305.20-1 359.857.00
增幅(%)-10.070.37-1 554.00-1398.26-50.72-36.39-1 555.28-1 400.00-9.520.88
19901 126 311.1017 732.009 735.92153.00487 833.537 680.00469 828.397 397.0018 005.14283.00
20101 726 366.0022 901.009 223.42122.00437 852.795 808.00410 131.395 440.0027 721.40368.00
增量600 054.905 169.00-512.49-31.00-49 980.74-1 872.00-59 697.00-1 957.009 716.2685.00
1990416 677.4328 345.007 838.79533.00230 788.2415 699.00224 289.3115 257.006 498.93442.00
2010792 704.8231 004.0017 618.33689.00507 041.4019 831.00494 598.6819 345.0012 442.72487.00
增量376 027.392 659.009 779.54156.00276 253.164 132.00270 309.374 088.005 943.7845.00
≥70 岁
1990105 410.3725 022.002 895.74687.0040 448.019 601.0038 867.349 226.001 580.68375.00
2010182 047.1725 696.008 157.691151.00104 743.1114 784.00101 978.8914 394.002 764.22390.00
增量76 636.80674.005 261.94464.0064 295.105 183.0063 111.565 168.001 183.5515.00
2.4 中国1990和2010年不同年龄组丙肝患病、死亡和疾病负担情况

15~49岁和50~69岁两个组是丙肝的高患病数(率)和高DALY人群,而≥70岁组是丙肝的高死亡率和高DALY率人群,见表 4

表 4 中国1990和2010年丙肝患病、死亡和疾病负担情况 Table. 4 Prevalence,mortality and other disease burden indicators of viral hepatitis C in China,1990-2010
199039 287.593299.00- - 585.6249.20- - 585.6249.20
201030 232.433678.00- - 442.0153.80- - 442.0153.80
增量-9 055.16379.00- - -143.614.60- - -143.614.60
增幅(%)-29.9510.30- - -32.498.55- - -32.498.55
199038 620.311949.003.170.16802.3140.50238.9112.10563.4028.40
201040 865.532278.000.500.03635.9035.5038.002.12597.9033.30
增量2 245.23329.00-2.67-0.13-166.41-5.00-200.91-9.9834.504.90
1990178 892.202816.00232.913.6713 719.83216.0011 116.13175.002603.7041.00
2010413 773.905489.00257.433.4117 692.16235.0011 705.14155.005987.0379.40
增量234 881.702673.0024.52-0.263 972.3319.00589.00-20.003383.3338.40
199068 644.234670.00273.8218.608 710.98593.007 733.54526.00977.4566.50
2010170 930.966685.00553.7021.7017 700.86692.0015 267.52597.002433.3495.20
增量102 286.732015.00279.883.108 989.8899.007 533.9871.001455.8928.70
199016 791.463986.00140.8833.402 042.02485.001 813.53430.00228.4954.20
201036 264.935119.00374.2752.805 290.02747.004 789.37676.00500.6670.70
增量19 473.471133.00233.3819.403 248.00262.002 975.83246.00272.1716.50
2.5 中国1990和2010年不同年龄组戊肝患病、死亡和疾病负担情况

<5岁年龄组在20年间除患病率和YLD率指标呈小幅度上升外,其余各指标均呈下降趋势。50~69岁和≥70岁年龄组各指标在20年间均呈上升趋势。15~49岁年龄组青壮年是戊肝的高患病、高死亡和高疾病负担人群,见表 5

表 5 中国1990和2010年戊肝患病、死亡和疾病负担情况 Table. 5 Prevalence,mortality and other disease burden indicators of viral hepatitis E in China,1990-2010
1990172 238.9914 463.00463.7938.9044 975.853777.0038 913.663268.006062.19509.00
2010126 239.2215 358.0079.019.6111 056.781345.006 629.11806.004427.67539.00
增量-45 999.77895.00-384.79-29.29-33 919.07-2432.00-32 284.55-2462.00-1634.5130.00
1990141 256.717 129.00483.2524.4041 838.882111.0036 877.391861.004961.50250.00
2010138 178.297 704.0098.745.5112 438.21693.007 527.09420.004911.12274.00
增量-3 078.42575.00-384.51-18.89-29 400.67-1418.00-29 350.30-1441.00-50.3824.00
1990148 959.562 345.003194.1350.30192 556.393031.00187 383.672950.005172.7281.40
2010191 267.312 537.001907.8625.30109 586.251454.00102 938.201365.006648.0588.20
增量42 307.75192.00-1286.27-25.00-82 970.14-1577.00-84 445.47-1585.001475.336.80
19901 067.6572.6070.774.812 196.60149.002 161.11147.0035.492.41
20102 744.71107.00153.806.024 756.91186.004 667.78183.0089.133.49
增量1 677.0534.4083.031.212 560.3237.002 506.6836.0053.641.08
3 讨论



乙肝在我国以中老年人(50~69岁和≥70岁组)尤为突出,其死亡率和DALY率在20年间呈上升趋势且在所有年龄组中较高。我国在实施乙肝疫苗免疫接种之前已经存在大量的中老年乙肝患者且易发生乙肝的急性发作。随着全球人口快速老龄化,中老年人口比重增加,同时,中老年人存在免疫衰老,对HBV易感性增加且感染后易发展成临床病例[8, 9, 10],这些都使中老年人乙肝患者的数量迅速增加。

此外,中老年人乙肝疫苗接种覆盖率低、疫苗反应性下降(尤其是首次接种)、易合并慢性病增加乙肝易感性等[11, 12, 13],使乙肝的防治形势更加严峻。中老年人HBV感染后易成为HBsAg携带者且患慢性活动性肝炎,肝硬化或原发性肝细胞癌的意义显著,尤其是HBeAg阴性乙肝恶化进程比较快,60%的患者在6年内发展成肝硬化[14, 15, 16],而且中老年人患者病情严重、并发症多,死亡率高,由此造成YLLs增加。因此,中老年人乙肝的防治要注重于研究一种能消灭乙肝新抗原,抵消免疫衰老的综合性疫苗。克服乙肝患者抗病毒治疗的单一用药、耐药以及副作用,阻止病情的加重[17]。加强中老年人卫生保健,补充所需营养,提高免疫力,同时,进行乙肝相关知识的健康教育,提高知晓率,改善健康相关行为。

15~49岁和50~69岁组是丙肝的高患病和高DALY人群,同时,≥70岁组丙肝的高死亡率和在20年间迅速上升的高DALY率(主要由YLL率构成)也不容忽视。丙肝患病多集中在青壮年和中老年人,传播途径主要为血液传播,其患病可能与工作性质、医源性感染、输血、卫生环境、经济条件及其他危险行为(如静脉吸毒、同性恋、危险性行为等)且自我保护意识差等原因造成的感染有关[18, 19, 20, 21]。由于丙肝病情隐匿,多数人感染HCV后长时间无明显临床症状,这些已发生感染的群体会持续通过各种途径在一般人群中传播病毒,丙肝患病率在整个人群呈上升趋势(表 4)。中老年人免疫力比较低,患病后易转为肝硬化和肝癌,生存率急剧下降。因此,既要注重青壮年这一潜在传播人群,也要注重中老年人丙肝的预防保健工作,同时兼顾丙肝特效疫苗的研发应用。

15~49岁组青壮年是戊肝的高患病、高死亡和高疾病负担人群,疾病负担主要受死亡率影响。出现上述结果可能与我国戊肝发生更易受食源性影响有关,青年人和外出务工青壮年人群外出就餐机会多,接触不洁食物和水出现小型暴发或散发的机会较多[22, 23]。同时,我国乙肝患者数量庞大,其中15~49岁乙肝患者数量最多,HBsAg阳性者重叠感染戊肝病毒,致使病情加重,并发症多,易发展成急性重型肝炎,死亡率增大[24]。此外,孕妇戊肝的感染率和死亡率比较高,同样会使戊肝的疾病负担升高[25]。因此,防治戊肝的主要措施是搞好环境卫生和个人卫生,加强水源、食品监督,防止病从口入,同时,做好孕前预防和孕中个人防护,广泛开展卫生宣教活动。

GBD 2010没有估计中国4种类型肝炎分地区或者省份的患病情况、死亡情况和疾病负担情况及变化。但本报告分性别和分年龄组分析4种类型病毒性肝炎的患病、死亡和疾病负担情况及20年变化趋势,可以帮我们选择肝炎防治工作重点,通过成本效益分析,确定最佳策略,以期更好地为我国卫生决策服务。

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