疾病监测  2016, Vol. 31 Issue (4): 266-267



Public Health Emergency Center
Summary of selected notifiable communicable diseases in China (March, 2016)
疾病监测, 2016, 31(4): 266-267
Disease Surveillance, 2016, 31(4): 266-267
Summary of selected notifiable communicable diseases in China (March, 2016)
Public Health Emergency Center     


河北省:2016年3月全省报告4013例,较上月上升16.15%,较2015年同期上升53.87%。2016年截至3月,全省累计报告10 394例,较2015年同期上升40.40%。







广西壮族自治区:2016年3月全省报告8850例,死亡1例。报告病例数较上月下降28.66%,较2015年同期上升130.29%。报告病例数居前5位的县(区)为柳北区、平南县、融安县、柳城县和灵山县。2016年截至3月,全省累计报告29 508例,较2015年同期上升97.80%。


安徽省:2016年3月全省报告5668例,较上月下降0.18%,较2015年同期上升22.00%。报告病例数居前5位的县(区)为裕安区、蜀山区、包河区、肥西县和铜官山区。2016年截至3月,全省累计报告16 798例,较2015年同期上升18.08%。


福建省:2016年3月全省报告3512例,较上月下降18.61%。报告病例数居前4位的地市为漳州、福州、厦门和宁德;报告病例数居前5位的县(区、市)为漳浦县、蕉城区、同安区、龙海市和仓山区。2016年截至3月,全省累计报告10 976例。


广西壮族自治区:2016年3月全省报告13 152例,死亡2例。报告病例数较上月上升177.06%,较2015年同期上升165.05%。报告病例数居前5位的县(区)为柳江县、武鸣区、宾阳县、兴安县和金城江区。2016年截至3月,全省累计报告26 182例,较2015年同期上升107.32%。

安徽省:2016年3月全省报告8527例,重症71例,无死亡。报告病例数较上月上升111.12%,较2015年同期上升32.61%。报告病例数居前5位的地市为阜阳、亳州、合肥、蚌埠和宿州;报告病例数居前5位的县(区)为颍上县、谯城区、临泉县、涡阳县和颍州区。2016年截至3月,全省累计报告19 687例,较2015年同期上升30.33%。

湖南省:2016年3月全省报告5931例,重症31例,死亡1例。报告病例数较上月上升100.17%,较2015年同期上升46.16%。报告病例数居前5位的地市为长沙、娄底、岳阳、益阳和湘西;报告病例数居前5位的县(区、市)为新化县、长沙县、娄星区、岳阳楼区和浏阳市。2016年截至3月,全省累计报告16 366例,较2015年同期上升60.72%。



Hebei province: In March 2016,a total of 4013 cases were reported,which increased by 16.15% and 53.87% respectively compared with last month and the same period in 2015.By the end of March,10 394 cases had been reported cumulatively,an increase of 40.40% over the same period in 2015.

Hunan province: In March 2016,a total of 3865 cases were reported,which increased by 207.97% and 430.91% respectively compared with last month and the same period in 2015.In reporting high case number,Changsha,Loudi,Huaihua,Yongzhou and Shaoyang ranked 1st -5th at municipal(prefecture)level,and Yuhua,Louxing,Changsha,Tianxin and Furong ranked 1st-5th at county(district)level.By the end of March,6073 cases had been reported cumulatively,an increase of 201.69% over the same period in 2015.

Fujian province: In March 2016,a total of 2877 cases were reported,which increased by 262.34% compared with last month.In reporting high case number,Zhangzhou,Xiamen,Quanzhou and Putian ranked 1st -4th at municipal(prefecture)level,and Xiangcheng,Yunxiao,Huli,Zhangpu and Longhai ranked 1st-5th at county(district)level.By the end of March,4299 cases had been reported cumulatively.

Henan province: In March 2016,a total of 2831 cases were reported,which increased by 24.44% and 65.65% respectively compared with last month and the same period in 2015.In reporting high case number,Zhoukou,Shangqiu,Zhumadian,Nanyang and Anyang ranked 1st-5th at municipal(prefecture)level,and Shenqiu,Luyi,Minquan,Tangyin and Ruyang ranked 1st-5th at county(district)level.By the end of March,7359 cases had been reported cumulatively,an increase of 47.65% over the same period in 2015.

Anhui province: In March 2016,a total of 2662 cases were reported,which increased by 115.55% and 101.67% respectively compared with last month and the same period in 2015.In reporting high case number,Shushan,Funan,Yingquan,Yingshang and Baohe ranked 1st-5th at county(district)level.By the end of March,5270 cases had been reported cumulatively,an increase of 46.27% over the same period in 2015.

Gansu province: In March 2016,a total of 2390 cases,including 2 deaths,were reported,which increased by 102.89% and 287.36% respectively compared with last month and the same period in 2015.In reporting high case number,Lanzhou,Tianshui,Dingxi and Baiyin ranked 1st-4th at municipal(prefecture)level,and Chengguan,Tongwei,Maiji,Jingyuan and Jinchuan ranked 1st -5th at county(district)level.By the end of March,4284 cases had been reported cumulatively,an increase of 104.58% over the same period in 2015.

Other infectious diarrheal diseases

Guangxizhuang autonomous region: In March 2016,a total of 8850 cases,including 1 death,were reported,which decreased by 28.66% and increased by 130.29% respectively compared with last month and the same period in 2015.In reporting high case number,Liubei,Ping'nan,Rong'an,Liucheng and Lingshan ranked 1st-5th at county(district)level.By the end of March,29 508 cases had been reported cumulatively,an increase of 97.80% over the same period in 2015.

Zhejiang province: In March 2016,a total of 8429 cases were reported,which decreased by 21.51% and increased by 38.54% respectively compared with last month and the same period in 2015.In reporting high case number,Hangzhou,Ningbo and Shaoxing ranked 1st-3rd at municipal(prefecture)level.

Anhui province:In March 2016,a total of 5668 cases were reported,which decreased by 0.18% and increased by 22.00% respectively compared with last month and the same period in 2015.In reporting high case number,Yu'an,Shushan,Baohe,Feixi and Tongguanshan ranked 1st-5th at county(district)level.By the end of March,16 798 cases had been reported cumulatively,an increase of 18.08% over the same period in 2015.

Henan province: In March 2016,a total of 3785 cases were reported,which increased by 34.41% and 4.64% respectively compared with last month and the same period in 2015.In reporting high case number,Zhengzhou,Jiaozuo,Luoyang,Pingdingshan and Kaifeng ranked 1st-5th at municipal(prefecture)level,and Jinshui,Yexian,Zhongyuan,Erqi and Guangcheng ranked 1st-5th at county(district)level.By the end of March,9485 cases had been reported cumulatively,an increase of 11.73% over the same period in 2015.

Fujian province:In March 2016,a total of 3512 cases were reported,which decreased by 18.61% compared with last month.In reporting high case number,zhangzhou,Fuzhou,Xiamen and Ningde ranked 1st-4th at municipal(prefecture)level,and Zhangpu,Jiaocheng,Tong'an,Longhai and Cangshan ranked 1st-5th at county(district)level.By the end of March,10 976 cases had been reported cumulatively.

Hand foot and mouth disease

Guangxizhuang autonomous region: In March 2016,a total of 13 152 cases,including 2 deaths,were reported,which increased by 177.06% and 165.05% respectively compared with last month and the same period in 2015.In reporting high case number,Liujiang,Wuming,Binyang,Xing'an and Jinchengjiang ranked 1st-5th at county(district)level.By the end of March,26 182 cases had been reported cumulatively,an increase of 107.32% over the same period in 2015.

Anhui province:In March 2016,a total of 8527 cases,including 71 severe cases,were reported without death.The reported cases increased by 111.12% and 32.61% respectively compared with last month and the same period in 2015.In reporting high case number,Fuyang,Bozhou,Hefei,Bengbu and Suzhou ranked 1st-5th at municipal(prefecture)level,and Yingshang,Qiaocheng,Linquan,Woyang and Yingzhou ranked 1st-5th at county(district)level.By the end of March,19 687 cases had been reported cumulatively,an increase of 30.33% over the same period in 2015.

Hunan province: In March 2016,a total of 5931 cases,including 31 severe cases and 1 death,were reported,which increased by 100.17% and 46.16% respectively compared with last month and the same period in 2015.In reporting high case number,Changsha,Loudi,Yueyang,Yiyang and Xiangxi ranked 1st-5th at municipal(prefecture)level,and Xinhua,Changsha,Louxing,Yueyanglou and Liuyang ranked 1st-5th at county(district)level.By the end of March,16 366 cases had been reported cumulatively,an increase of 60.72% over the same period in 2015.

Public Health Emergency Center,China CDC