疾病监测  2016, Vol. 31 Issue (11): 890-891



Public Health Emergency Center
Summary of selected notifiable communicable diseases in China (October, 2016)
疾病监测, 2016, 31(11): 890-891
Disease Surveillance, 2016, 31(11): 890-891
Summary of selected notifiable communicable diseases in China (October, 2016)
Public Health Emergency Center     




湖南省:10月报告病例769例,无死亡。报告病例数较9月(761例)上升1.00%,较2015年同期(515例)上升49.00%。2016年至本期累计13 502例,较2015年同期累计(7565例)上升78.00%;2016年累计死亡1例,2015年同期累计无死亡。10月报告发病数居前5位的市依次为长沙(199例)、郴州(102例)、邵阳(99例)、永州(60例)和岳阳(54例);报告发病数居前5位的县(市、区)依次为雨花区、汨罗市、天心区、长沙县、苏仙区。散居儿童(273例)、农民(224例)和学生(106例)共占病例总数的78.00%;各年龄组均有发病。男女性别比为1.2∶1。

浙江省:10月全省报告流行性感冒597 例,较9月上升1.93 倍(597/204),较2015年同期上升4.15 倍(597/116),无死亡病例报告。全省11 个地市均有病例报告,报告病例数居前5 位的市为金华、台州、宁波、温州和杭州,占全省报告病例数的79.73.00%。职业分布以学生、散居儿童、农民和幼托儿童居多,占全省报告病例数的67.00%。


福建省:10月报告8188 例,无死亡病例;9月报告4737 例,无死亡病例。10月报告病例数居前5位的县(市、区)为晋江、湖里、蕉城、漳浦和集美。10月发病人群职业以散居儿童、幼托儿童和学生居多。

浙江省:全省报告手足口病13 185 例,报告4 例重症病例,无死亡病例。报告病例数较9月上升1.25 倍,较2015年同期上升85.34%。9月全省11 市均有病例报告,其中报告病例数居前5 位的市为宁波、台州、温州、金华和绍兴,占全省报告病例总数的79.17%;职业分布以散居儿童居多,占68.53%,其次为幼托儿童和学生等;发病年龄集中在5 岁及以下年龄组,共报告病例5170 例,占95.40%,其中以1岁和2岁组较高,分别占总病例数的29.15%和22.48%。


福建省:10月报告757 例,无死亡病例;9月报告489 例,无死亡病例;前5 月均数报告466 例,无死亡病例;历史同期均数报告596 例,无死亡病例;2016年累计报告6498 例,无死亡病例;10月报告病例居前5位的县(市、区)为龙海、集美、湖里、海沧和古田。9月发病人群职业以学生、散居儿童和幼托儿童为主。



Hunan province: In October 2016, nine cases were reported without death. The reported cases decreased by 69.00% and 59.00% respectively compared with last month (29 cases) and the same period in 2015 (22 cases).No deaths were reported in September and during the same period in 2015. By the end of October, 658 cases, without death, had been reported cumulatively in 2016, a decrease of 41.00% compared with 2015 (1119 cases without death). In case reporting, Yongzhou, Changsha, Hengyang, Loudi and Xiangxi ranked 1st-5th at municipal (prefecture) level, and Changsha, Changning, Lengshuitan, Daoxian and Xintian ranked 1st-5th at county (district) level. Seven cases were children outside child cares settings, 2 cases were students. Five cases, 2 cases and 2 cases were reported in age group 0 year, 1 year and 7-14 years respectively. Five cases were males and 4 cases were females.

Hebei province: In October 2016, thirteen cases were reported without death, the reported incidence was 0.0176/100 000. The reported cases increased by 18.18% and decreased by 50.00% respectively compared with last month and the same period in 2015. In reporting incidence, Baoding (0.0435/100 000), Chengde (0.0282/100 000), Xingtai (0.0275/100 000), Handan (0.0213/100 000) and Shijiazhuang (0.0189/100 000) ranked 1st-5th at municipal (prefecture) level. The cases were mainly distributed in children outside child care settings (38.46%) and in age group 0-1 year (38.46%). The male to female ratio of the cases was 1.17∶1.


Hunan province: In October 2016, a total of 769 cases were reported without death.The reported cases increased by 1.00% and 49.00% respectively compared with last month (761 cases) and the same period in 2015 (515 cases). By the end of October, 13 502 cases, including 1 death, had been reported cumulatively, an increase of 78.00% compared with 2015 (7565 cases without death). In reporting case number, Changsha (199 cases), Chenzhou (102 cases), Shaoyang (99 cases), Yongzhou (60 cases) and Yueyang (54 cases) ranked 1st-5th at municipal (prefecture) level, and Yuhua, Miluo, Tianxin, Changsha, Suxian ranked 1st-5th at county (district) level. The cases were mainly distributed in children outside child care settings (273 cases), farmers (224 cases) and students (106 cases), accounting for 78.00% of the total. The cases were reported in all age groups. The male to female ratio of the cases was 1.2∶1.

Zhejiang province:In October 2016, a total of 597 cases were reported without death, the reported cases increased by 1.93 times and 4.15 times respectively compared with last month (204 cases) and the same period in 2015 (116 cases). The cases were reported in all 11 prefectures (municipality). In reporting case number, Jinhua, Taizhou, Ningbo, Wenzhou and Hangzhou ranked 1st-5th at municipal (prefecture) level, the cases in these areas accounted for 79.73%. The cases were mainly distributed in students, children outside child care settings, farmers and children in child care settings, accounting for 67.00%.

Hand foot and mouth disease

Fujian province: In October 2016, a total of 8188 cases were reported without death. In September, 4737 cases were reported without death. In reporting case number, Jinjiang, Huli, Jiaocheng, Zhangpu and Jimei ranked 1st-5th at county (district) level. The cases were mainly distributed in children outside child care settings, children in child care settings and students.

Zhejiang province: In October 2016, a total of 13 185 cases, including 4 severe cases, were reported without death. The reported cases increased by 1.25 times and 85.34% respectively compared with last month and the same period in 2015. The cases were reported in all 11 prefectures (municipality). In reporting case number, Ningbo, Taizhou, Wenzhou, Jinhua and Shaoxing ranked 1st-5th at municipal (prefecture) level, the cases in these areas accounted for 79.17% of the total. The cases were mainly distributed in children outside child care settings, accounting for 68.53%, followed by children in child care settings and students. In age group ≤5 years, 5170 cases were reported, accounting for 95.40%, and the cases in age groups 1 year and 2 years accounted for 29.15% and 22.48% respectively.


Fujian province:In October 2016, a total of 757 cases were reported without death. In September, 489 cases were reported without death. Averagely 466 cases were reported without death in each of previous 5 months and averagely 596 cases were reported without death monthly during the same period in previous years. By the end of October, 6498 cases, without death, had been reported cumulatively. In reporting case number, Longhai, Jimei, Huli, Haicang and Gutian ranked 1st-5th at county (district) level in October. The cases were mainly distributed in students, children in and outside child care settings in September.

Hunan province:In October 2016, a total of 2142 cases were reported without death. The reported cases increased by 129.00% and 67.00% respectively compared with last month (934 cases) and the same period in 2015 (1280 cases). In reporting case number, Changsha, Loudi, Xiangtan, Yiyang and Yongzhou ranked 1st-5th at municipal (prefecture) level, and Changsha, Liuyang, Yuhua, Ningxiang and Yuelu ranked 1st-5th at county (district) level. The cases in students (1237 cases), children outside child care settings (403 cases) and children in child care settings (314 cases) accounted for 91.00% of the total. The cases were reported in all age groups, but the cases reported in age group ≤15 years (1953 cases) accounted for 91.00%. The male to female ratio of the cases was 1.2∶1.