
Etiological surveillance results of other infectious diarrhea in Zhuzhou, Hunan, 2015–2018

  • 摘要:
    目的了解2015 — 2018年湖南省株洲市其他感染性腹泻病原学的构成和流行特征。
    结果共调查并检测580例腹泻病例,病例形成秋、冬两个小高峰并且主要集中在≤5岁人群(82.59%,479/580)。 病例检测总阳性率为56.72%。 细菌阳性检测率为30.17%,以沙门菌为主,其次是空肠弯曲菌和致泻性大肠埃希菌。 病毒检测阳性率为37.07%,以轮状病毒A组为主,其次是诺如病毒GⅡ型。 各年龄组中病毒检出率均高于细菌。 季节分布明显,夏季以沙门菌为主,秋季以诺如病毒为主,冬、春季以轮状病毒为主。 不同性别病原谱构成基本一致。 乡村病例病原体(细菌31.63%、病毒41.83%)检出率高于城区(细菌29.88%、病毒36.09%)。


    ObjectiveTo study the epidemiological characteristics and pathogen spectrum of other infectious diarrhea in Zhuzhou, Hunan province, from 2015 to 2018.
    MethodsThe relevant information were collected from diarrhea cases diagnosed in sentinel hospitals from May 2015 to November 2018. Stool samples were collected for the detection of intestinal pathogenic bacteria and viral nucleic acid detections.
    ResultsA total of 580 samples of diarrhea cases were collected and detected.Bacterial infection cases accounted for 30.17%, and the Salmonella was the major pathogen in bacterial infection, followed by Campylobacter jejuni and diarrheogenic Escherichia coli. Viral infection cases accounted for 37.07%, rotavirus A was the predominant pathogen in viral infection, followed by norovirus GⅡ. The detection rate of virus was higher than those of bacterium in all age groups. The cases were mainly children aged under 5 years old (82.59%, 479/580). The seasonality was obvious with detection peaks in autumn and winter. The main pathogen causing infectious diarrhea was Salmonella in summer. Most cases occurred in autumn were caused by norovirus, while most cases occurred in winter and spring were caused by rotavirus. The gender specific pathogen spectrums were similar. The detection rates in rural area (bacterium 31.63%, virus 41.83%) was higher than those in urban area (bacterium 29.88%, virus 36.09%).
    ConclusionThe viral infection rate was higher than bacterial infection rate in other infectious diarrhea cases in Zhuzhou, while rotavirus A, Salmonella, and norovirus GⅡwere the main pathogens causing other infectious diarrhea in Zhuzhou.


