
Characteristics of imported malaria cases from Association of Southeast Asian Nations countries to China, 2010–2019

  • 摘要:
      目的  了解东盟国家输入中国的疟疾病例变化特征,为我国消除疟疾后开展疟疾防治工作提供科学依据。
      方法  对2010 — 2019年中国疾病监测信息报告管理系统中东盟国家输入中国的疟疾病例进行分析。 采用线性趋势性分析病例的时间变化趋势,采用ArcGIS 10.7软件分析不同来源输入性疟疾的空间分布。
      结果  2010 — 2019年自东盟国家输入中国的中国籍疟疾病例共5 041例,其在每年全国输入病例中的占比持续下降(χ2=1 627.63,P<0.05)。 居前3位的输入来源国家分别是缅甸(4 227例)、印度尼西亚(354例)、柬埔寨(245例)。 间日疟、三日疟和卵形疟的比例持续上升,恶性疟的比例不断下降。 全国28个省份报告有自东盟国家输入的中国籍疟疾病例。 89.00%的全国病例分布于云南(3 492例,69.27%)、湖南(358例,7.08%)、四川(287例,5.69%)、广西壮族自治区(158例,3.11%)和广东(93例,1.81%)5省份。 境外输入的东盟国家外籍病例545例,以缅甸籍病例为主(513例)。 全国10个省份报告有自东盟国家输入外籍疟疾病例,其中云南省报告528例,占96.88%。 10年间,每月均有来自东盟国家的输入疟疾病例报告,发病时间主要集中在4 — 8月。 中国籍病例以青壮年男性为主,外籍病例以<34岁人群为主(76.33%)。
      结论  来自东盟国家的输入疟疾病例持续下降,但较多间日疟输入病例对我国存在传疟媒介分布地区导致继发传播的风险持续存在,云南省等局部地区的风险很高,防止输入病例继发传播的任务重。


      Objective  To understand the epidemiological characteristics of imported malaria cases from Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) to China during 2010–2019 and provide evidence for the malaria prevention and control in post malaria elimination period in China.
      Methods  The incidence data of imported malaria from ASEAN countries to China from January 1, 2010 to December 31, 2019 were obtained from national notifiable infectious disease reporting system and national malaria surveillance system for statistical analysis with software ArcGIS 10.7.
      Results  During 2010–2019, a total of 5 041 imported malaria cases from ASEAN countries were reported in China, showing a decline in the proportion in total imported cases in China ( χ2=1627.63, P<0.05). The top three source countries of imported malaria cases were Myanmar (4 227 cases), Indonesia (354 cases) and Cambodia (245 cases). The proportions of tertian malaria, quartan malaria and ovale malaria cases increased, while the proportion of faciparum malaria cases decreased. The imported malaria cases from ASEAN countries were reported in 28 provinces of China, and 89% of all imported malaria cases from ASEAN countries were distributed in Yunnan (3 492 cases, 69.27%), Hunan (358 cases, 7.08%), Sichuan (287 cases, 5.69%), Guangxi (158 cases, 3.11%) and Guangdong (93 cases, 1.81%). Among the imported malaria cases from ASEAN countries in 10 provinces of China, 545 were foreigners, in whom 513 were from Myanmar. In the 10 provinces reporting the imported malaria cases from ASEAN countries, Yunnan province reported 528 cases, accounting for 96.88%. The imported malaria cases were reported all the year around from 2010 to 2019, and most cases were reported from April to August. The imported malaria cases in Chinese were mainly young male adults and the imported malaria cases in foreigners were mainly aged <34 years (76.33%).
      Conclusion  Although the incidence of the imported malaria from ASEAN countries showed a decline trend in China, the prevention of secondary transmission of malaria is still a priority. The potential of secondary malaria transmission will exist in in the areas with Anopheles mosquitoes due to the increased importation of tertian malaria from ASEAN countries. Some areas, such as Yunnan, have higher potential of secondary malaria transmission.


