
Epidemiological characteristics of imported Chikungunya fever cases in China, 2010–2019

  • 摘要:
      目的  探讨2010 — 2019年我国输入性基孔肯雅热病例的流行病学特征和发病诊断间隔情况,为制定预防控制措施提供参考。
      方法  从“中国疾病控制中心信息系统”之“传染病信息报告系统”和“突发公共卫生事件信息报告管理系统”获取数据,分析输入性基孔肯雅热病例的三间分布特征、来源国、病例发现途径及发病诊断间隔情况。
      结果  2010 — 2019年我国(不含香港、澳门特别行政区和台湾地区,下同)报告输入性基孔肯雅热病例94例,其中2019年报告68例。 83.0%的病例的发病时间为7 — 11月。 男、女性别比为1.5∶1,平均年龄为(36.4±14.2)岁,中位数为35.0岁。 中国籍病例67例(71.3%),其他国籍病例27例(28.7%)。 输入病例主要分布在云南(37.2%)、广东(30.0%)和浙江省(10.6%)。 病例主要来源于缅甸(53.2%)、泰国(11.7%)、孟加拉(9.6%)、印度(7.4%)和菲律宾(5.3%)。 经入境口岸检疫发现38例(40.4%),病例入境后就诊发现56例(59.6%)。 就诊发现的病例的发病诊断间隔明显长于前者[(5.0±6.5) d vs. (2.8±2.5) d,t=5.090,P=0.026]。 2010 — 2019年输入病例曾引起4起境内本地暴发。
      结论  我国输入性基孔肯雅热病例呈增多趋势,建议在云南、广东和浙江等重点省份开展国际旅行健康教育、培训发热门诊医生,夏秋季节加强自东南亚国家入境人员的口岸检疫筛查。


      Objective  To investigate the epidemiological characteristics and the interval betweenonset and diagnosis of the imported Chikungunya fever cases in China from 2010 to 2019, and provide evidence for the prevention and control of Chikungunya fever.
      Methods  In this study, we collected the surveillance data of imported Chikungunya fever in China from 2010 to 2019, and analyze the source countries, detection ways and epidemiological characteristics of the imported cases.
      Results  A total of 94 imported cases of Chikungunya fever were reported in China from 2010 to 2019, in which 68 cases were reported in 2019, and 83.0% of the cases occurred during July - November. The average age of the cases was (36.4±14.2) years with a median of 35.0 years, and male to female ratio of the cases was 1.5∶1. In the imported cases, 67 (71.3%) were Chinese and 27 (28.7%) were foreigners. Yunnan, Guangdong and Zhejiang were top 3 provinces where the imported cases accounted for 37.2%, 30.0% and 10.6% of the total imported cases. Cambodia, Thailand, Bangladesh, India and Philippines were the top 5 source countries, from which 53.2%, 11.7%, 9.6%, 7.4% and 5.3% of the imported cases were reported, respectively. Thirty-eight cases (40.4%) were detected by entry quarantine, while 56 cases (59.6%) were diagnosed in medical care services after entry. The interval between onset and diagnosis was longer in the cases detected in medical care services than in the cases detected by entry quarantine (5.0±6.5) d vs. (2.8±2.5) d, t=5.090, P=0.026. There were 4 secondary outbreaks of Chikungunya fever caused by the imported cases during this period.
      Conclusion  The incidence of imported cases of Chikungunya fever showed increasing trend in China. It is suggested to conduct health education in international travelers, especially in Yunnan, Guangdong and Zhejiang provinces, improve the training in fever clinic staff, and strengthen entry quarantine screening in travelers from South East Asian countries in summer and autumn.


