
Spatiotemporal distribution of perinatal birth defects in Gansu, 2015−2020

  • 摘要:
      目的  评估甘肃省出生缺陷的时空分布特征,为公共卫生资源的合理分配以及出生缺陷的防治提供科学依据。
      方法  收集2015—2020年甘肃省42家监测医院出生缺陷数据,采用泊松分布计算各年度以及不同人群的出生缺陷发生率,Joinpoint 回归评估出生缺陷发生率的时间趋势,空间自相关分析判断出生缺陷的空间分布。
      结果  2015—2020年甘肃省出生缺陷发生率由2015年的150.96/万[95% 置信区间(CI): 143.95/万~162.39/万]上升至2020年的200.47/万(95%CI:190.26/万~210.68/万),出生缺陷前5顺位病种分别是先天性心脏、多指(趾)、总唇腭裂、神经管缺陷和先天性脑积水。 空间分析显示,兰州市、天水市、武威市为出生缺陷的高风险地区。
      结论   2015—2020年甘肃省出生缺陷发生率呈上升趋势,在空间上存在聚集区域,应进一步加强监测水平,加强对主要病种和重点区域的防控。


      Objective  To analyze the spatiotemporal distribution characteristics of birth defects in Gansu province, and provided scientific basis for the prevention and treatment of birth defects in Gansu.
      Methods  The data of perinatal infants with birth defects were collected from 42 surveillance hospitals in Gansu between 2015 and 2020. Poisson distribution was used to calculate the incidences of birth defects in different years and in different populations. Joinpoint regression was used to evaluate the temporal trend of birth defect incidence, and spatial autocorrelation analysis was performed to identify clustering areas of birth defects.
      Results  The incidence of birth defects increased from 150.96/10000 (95%CI: 143.95–162.39) in 2015 to 200.47/10000 (95%CI: 190.26–210.68) in 2020. The five leading birth defects were congenital heart defects, polydactyly, cleft lip and palate, neural tube defects, and congenital hydrocephalus. Spatial analysis showed that Lanzhou, Tianshui, and Wuwei were high-risk areas for birth defects.
      Conclusion  The incidence of birth defects in Gansu showed an upward trend, spatial analysis showed clustering areas of birth defects in Gansu. The prevention and control of major diseases and in key areas should be strengthened.


