In November2022, a total of 67infectious diseases were reported globally, affecting 235countries and regions. Except for influenza,the top five infectious diseases affecting greatest number of countries and regions were COVID-19 (235), monkeypox (110), dengue fever (31), measles (28) andcholera (18). The top fiveinfectious diseases with highest case fatality rates wereEbola virus disease (47.2%), Rift Valley fever (45.1%), MiddleEast respiratory syndrome (36.0%), Lassa fever (18.0%) and West Nile fever (7.1%). The top five infectious diseases with greatest number of deaths were COVID-19, malaria, cholera, measles anddengue fever. The prevalent infectious diseases in Asia were COVID-19, cholera anddengue fever, the prevalent infectious diseases in Africa were COVID-19, Ebola virus disease, cholera, yellow fever, Lassa fever, malaria and monkeypox, the prevalent infectious diseases in America were COVID-19, cholera, dengue fever and monkeypox, the prevalent infectious disease in Europe were COVID-19, monkeypox andWest Nile fever.