
Epidemiological characteristics and incidence prediction of hepatitis B in Wuhan, Hubei, 2011−2021

  • 摘要:
      目的   分析湖北省武汉市2011—2021年乙型肝炎(乙肝)的流行病学特征,探讨季节性差分自回归滑动平均(SARIMA)模型与长短期记忆神经网络(LSTM)模型在乙肝发病预测中的应用。
      方法   通过描述性流行病学方法分析武汉市2011—2021年乙肝流行特征;建立SARIMA模型和LSTM模型,对武汉市乙肝月报告发病数进行拟合与预测,并评价两种模型的效果。
      结果   2011—2021年武汉市报告乙肝累计发病数为55 115例,年均报告发病率为47.37/10万;无明显季节性发病高峰;发病年龄主要集中在30~59岁人群,占比为60.90%;发病人群以家务及待业、不详、农民为主;男、女性别比为2.17∶1,男、女性乙肝年均报告发病率分别为62.64/10万、30.99/10万;中心城区年均报告发病率为44.93/10万,低于远城区的50.96/10万。 SARIMA模型、LSTM模型的均方根误差分别为43.24、16.55,平均绝对百分比误差分别为7.60%、3.05%。
      结论   武汉市成年人乙肝防控工作不容忽视,应加强老年人、青年男性等重点人群的乙肝监测、疫苗接种和宣传教育等综合防控工作。 建立的LSTM模型拟合和预测效果总体上优于SARIMA模型。


      Objective   To analyze the epidemiological characteristics of hepatitis B in Wuhan from 2011 to 2021 and evaluate the application of season autoregressive integrated moving average (SARIMA) model and long short - term memory (LSTM) model in predicting the incidence of hepatitis B.
      Methods  The epidemiological characteristics of hepatitis B in Wuhan from 2011 to 2021 were analyzed by descriptive epidemiological method. SARIMA model and LSTM model were established to fit and predict the monthly reported incidence of hepatitis B in Wuhan.
      Results  A total of 55 115 cases of hepatitis B were reported in Wuhan from 2011 to 2021, the average annual incidence rate was 47.37/100 000. There was no obvious seasonal incidence peak. The cases were mainly people aged 30–59 years old (60.90%). The majority of the cases were the jobless or unemployed, the unspecified and farmers. The men to women ratio of the cases was 2.17∶1, the average annual reported incidence rates in men and women were 62.64/100 000 and 30.99/100 000, respectively. The average annual reported incidence rates in central urban area (44.93/100000) was lower than that in outer urban area (50.96/100000). The root-mean-square-error of the SARIMA model and LSTM model were 43.24 and 16.55, respectively, and the mean absolute percentage error was 7.60% and 3.05%, respectively.
      Conclusion  Close attention still needs to be paid to the prevention and control of hepatitis B in adults in Wuhan, and the comprehensive prevention and control of hepatitis B should be strengthened, including hepatitis B surveillance, vaccination and health education, in the elderly and young men. The LSTM neural network model has better fitting and prediction performance compared with the SARIMA model.


