
Epidemiological characteristics of an epidemic of Chlamydia psittaci pneumonia in Beijing

  • 摘要:
      目的   描述一起鹦鹉热衣原体肺炎聚集性疫情的流行病学特征,为后续鹦鹉热防控提供研究依据。
      方法  采用电话调查与现场调查相结合的方式,对病例及共同暴露人员进行流行病学调查,并现场采集人员、鸟类及环境标本进行病原学检测。
      结果  本起聚集性疫情共涉及3例感染者,其中1例患者,2名无症状感染者。 患者为女性,71岁,因发热前往医院就诊,胸部电子计算机断层扫描显示双肺炎症,病情危重,血液及痰液标本经宏基因检测显示鹦鹉热衣原体阳性,呼吸道标本为鹦鹉热衣原体核酸阳性,血液标本为抗体阳性;患者家中另外2名成员无相关症状,血液鹦鹉热衣原体抗体阳性;家中已饲养玄凤鹦鹉和文鸟等鸟类2年余,近期有引进新鹦鹉,出现鹦鹉死亡。 家中鸟笼等环境样本均为鹦鹉热衣原体核酸阳性。
      结论  鹦鹉热衣原体肺炎在部分人群中可以导致重症感染,并可以在家庭中引起聚集性疫情。 有必要针对该病进一步加强宣传教育,提高临床诊断意识,做到早诊断早治疗。


      Objective  To describe epidemiological characteristics of an epidemic of Chlamydia psittaci pneumonia, and provide reference for research of psittacosis prevention and control.
      Methods  Epidemiological investigation of the case and people with co-exposure were conducted by telephone and field interview. And the samples of people, birds and environment were collected for pathogen detection.
      Results  In this epidemic, 1 case and 2 asymptomatic carriers were detected. A 71-year-old woman was admitted to hospital due to fever and critical condition of chest CT showing double pneumonia. The results of metagenomic next-generation sequencing by using the blood and sputum samples of the case indicated the infection of Chlamydia psittaci. At the same time, the respiratory samples were positive for Chlamydia psittaci nucleic acid and the blood sample was antibody positive. In addition, two family members of the case showed no symptoms, but were tested positive for Chlamydia psittaci antibody. The epidemiological investigation indicated that birds, such as the black parrot and the munia, had been raised in the family for more than two years. Recently, new parrots were introduced into the family, and three birds died later. Also, the birds’ cages and other environmental samples at the case’s home were positive for Chlamydia psittaci nucleic acid.
      Conclusion  Chlamydia psittaci pneumonia can be severe in some populations and cause epidemic in families. It is necessary to strengthen health education about this disease, improve the awareness of clinical characteristics of the disease for the early diagnosis and treatment.


