
Pathogenetic characteristics of the first local case of severe fever with thrombocytopenia syndrome in Beijing

  • 摘要:
      目的  对北京市首例发热伴血小板减少综合征(SFTS)本土病例进行病原学特征研究。
      方法  对患者样本进行病毒分离、全基因测序,与不同基因型的发热伴血小板减少综合征病毒(SFTSV)进行同源性比较和遗传进化分析,并且对基因进行重组重配分析和氨基酸突变位点分析。
      结果  从患者血液标本中分离到病毒,将其命名为BJ001-2021。 该毒株的L、M片段与河南省的17-China_Henan-72株最为接近,S片段与来自山东省的SD2013-094最为接近,遗传进化分析结果显示BJ001-2021与HB29、SD24等同属于B基因型,无基因重配重组事件,但发现一些氨基酸突变位点。
      结论  北京市首例本土SFTS病例由SFTSV的B基因型引起,未发生基因组的重组重配。


      Objective  To investigate the pathogenetic characteristics of the first local case of severe fever with thrombocytopenia syndrome (SFTS) in Beijing.
      Methods  Virus isolation from patient samples and full-genome sequencing were performed, followed by homology comparison and phylogenetic analysis with different genotypes of SFTS virus. Recombination and amino acid mutation site analyses were also conducted.
      Results  The virus was isolated from the patient's blood sample and named as BJ001-2021. The L and M segments of the isolated virus were most closely related to the 17-China_Henan-72 strain from Henan, while the S segment was most closely related to the SD2013-094 strain from Shandong. Phylogenetic tree indicated that BJ001-2021 belongs to genotype B, along with HB29 and SD24, and no gene recombination occurred, however, some amino acid mutation sites were identified.
      Conclusion  The first local case of SFTS in Beijing was caused by SFTS virus genotype B, and no gene recombination or reassortment occurred.


