
Plague surveillance in Beijing, 2011–2020

  • 摘要:
      目的  分析2011—2020年北京市鼠疫人间及动物间监测情况,为制订针对北京市的鼠疫防控措施提供基础资料。
      方法   在全市发热门诊和门、急诊室进行鼠疫人间病例的相关症状监测工作;动物间监测采用5 m夹线法进行捕鼠,捕到的小型鼠类进行鉴定、解剖、实验室检测后将信息记录汇总。 收集2011—2020年北京市鼠疫监测数据进行回顾性描述分析。
      结果  2011—2020年,北京市人间鼠疫监测共发现2例人间病例,均为肺鼠疫,为内蒙古自治区来京就医人员,其中1例病例死亡;动物间监测方面,10年来共布夹(笼)46053次,捕获小型鼠类4科9属10种共计1585只,总鼠密度为3.44/100夹次。 优势鼠种为社鼠(37.22%,590/1585)、褐家鼠(24.10%,382/1585)、岩松鼠(15.52%,246/1585)及大林姬鼠(13.25%,210/1585),占总捕获数的89.97%。 通过间接血凝试验对采集的1175份血清进行检测,未发现鼠疫F1抗体阳性标本。
      结论  2011—2020年北京市鼠种较为稳定,鼠密度处于较低水平,但北京市周边动物鼠间疫情较为活跃,应加强鼠疫人间及动物间疫情监测工作,做好健康教育,严防输入性鼠疫疫情。


      Objective   To analyze the results of human and animal surveillance of plague in Beijing from 2011 to 2020, and provide data support for plague prevention and control in Beijing. Methods  The cases with human plague symptoms were monitored in fever clinics, outpatient and emergency departments of hospitals in Beijing. Rodent was captured by using 5 m clamp in rodent surveillance. The captured small rodents were identified, dissected, and the results were recorded. The plague surveillance data in Beijing from 2011 to 2020 were collected and analyzed retrospectively. Results  From 2011 to 2020, a total of 2 cases of human plague were detected in Beijing, all were pneumonic plague cases from Inner Mongolia, and 1 case died. In rodent surveillance, a total of 46 053 traps (cages) were distributed in the past 10 years, and 1585 small rodents of 10 species, 9 genera, 4 families were captured, with a total rodent density of 3.44/100 traps. The predominant species were Niviventer confucianus (37.22%, 590/1585), Rattus norvegicus (24.10%, 382/1585), Sciurotamias davidianus (15.52%, 246/1585) and Apodemus dalinensis (13.25%, 210/1585), accounting for 89.97% of the total of captured rodents. No plague F1 antibody positive sample was found in 1175 serum sample by indirect hemagglutination test.
      Conclusion   From 2011 to 2020, the rodent species was stable and the rodent density was at a low level in Beijing, but animal plague epidemic was active in natural plague foci around Beijing. It is necessary to strengthen the surveillance for human and animal plague epidemic, and improve health education to prevent imported plague epidemic.


