
Summary of global surveillance data of infectious diseases in September 2023

  • 摘要: 2023年9月,全球共监测到传染病73种,涉及236个国家和地区。 除流感外,涉及国家和地区数量位于前5位的传染病分别为新型冠状病毒感染(236个)、猴痘(115个)、登革热(31个)、麻疹(26个)和霍乱(14个)。 病死率位于前5位的传染病分别为尼帕病毒病(33.3%)、鼠疫(20.0%)、拉沙热(17.1%)、克里米亚–刚果出血热(9.4%)和西尼罗热(7.1%)。 死亡病例数位于前5位的传染病分别为新型冠状病毒感染、疟疾、登革热、麻疹和霍乱。 亚洲主要流行新型冠状病毒感染、霍乱、猴痘、克里米亚–刚果出血热和登革热;非洲主要流行新型冠状病毒感染、霍乱、猴痘、拉沙热、白喉、脊髓灰质炎和麻疹;美洲主要流行新型冠状病毒感染、霍乱、猴痘、登革热、基孔肯雅热和寨卡病毒病;欧洲主要流行西尼罗热。


    Abstract: In September 2023, a total of 73 infectious diseases were reported globally, affecting 236 countries and regions. Except for influenza, the top five infectious diseases affecting greatest number of countries and regions were COVID-19 (236), mpox (115), dengue fever (31), measles (26) and cholera (14). The top five infectious diseases with highest case fatality rates were Nipah virus infection (33.3%), plague (20.0%), Lassa fever (17.1%), Crimean-congo hemorrhagic fever (9.4%) and West Nile disease (7.1%). The top five infectious diseases with greatest number of deaths were COVID-19, malaria, dengue fever, measles and cholera. The prevalent infectious diseases in Asia were COVID-19, cholera, mpox, Crimean-congo hemorrhagic fever and dengue fever, the prevalent infectious diseases in Africa were COVID-19, cholera, mpox, Lassa fever, diphtheria, poliomyelitis and measles, the prevalent infectious diseases in America were COVID-19, cholera, mpox, dengue fever, chikungunya fever and Zika virus disease, the prevalent infectious disease in Europe was West Nile disease.


