
Epidemiological characteristics and spatiotemporal clustering of human brucellosis in Chenzhou, Hunan, 2015−2022

  • 摘要:
    目的 湖南省是人间布鲁氏菌病(布病)的新发疫区,年发病率呈上升趋势,近年来郴州市报告病例数居湖南省前列。 本研究通过分析郴州市2015—2022年人间布病流行病学特征和时空聚集性,为该地布病防控措施的制定和调整提供依据。
    方法 采用描述性研究描述郴州市2015—2022年间报告的人间布病病例的流行特征,以全局空间自相关和热点分析探索郴州市布病发病的时空聚集特征。 应用Spearman相关系数分析牛、羊存栏数、动物间布病阳性率与人间布病发病的相关性。
    结果 2015—2022年郴州市共报告布病病例216例,年均发病率0.57/10万,发病总体呈降中有升趋势;春夏季(4—7月)是发病高峰;男女性别比为2.86∶1;45~岁年龄组报告病例最多(47.22%);职业以农民(64.35%)为主;2016、2018年及2020年布病发病存在空间自相关特征(P<0.05),2016和2018年的发病热点地区主要集中在苏仙区和北湖区的多个乡镇街道,以及桂阳县、宜章县和永兴县的少数乡镇,且有扩散趋势,2020年临武县成为新的热点地区;牛存栏数与人间布病发病率无相关,而羊存栏数和动物布病阳性率与人布病发病率有关。
    结论 郴州市人间布病病例数及发病率呈上升趋势,存在高发热点地区,羊存栏数和动物间布病阳性率与人布病发病相关。 为有效遏制布病传播,有效防控人布病流行,应加强动物疫情监测,严控传染源,开展布病防控知识宣教和行为干预。


    Objective Hunan province is a newly emerging epidemic area of human brucellosis, and the annual incidence rate shows an upward trend. In recent years, the reported case counts of human brucellosis in Chenzhou remained to be higher in Hunan. In this study, we analyzed the epidemiological characteristics and spatiotemporal clustering of brucellosis in Chenzhou from 2015 to 2022 to provide evidence for development and improvement of local human brucellosis prevention and control strategies.
    Methods Descriptive method was used to analyze the epidemiological characteristics of reported cases of human brucellosis cases in Chenzhou from 2015 to 2022. Global spatial autocorrelation and hotspot analysis were applied to explore the spatiotemporal clustering of human brucellosis in Chenzhou during this period. Spearman correlation coefficient was used to analyze the correlation between the incidence of human brucellosis and the cattle and sheep stock, and the positive rate of animal brucellosis.
    Results From 2015 to 2022, a total of 216 cases of human brucellosis were reported in Chenzhou, with an average annual incidence rate of 0.57/100 000. The overall incidence showed an increasing trend with slight decline. Spring and summer (April - July) were the incidence peak seasons. The male to female ratio of the cases was 2.86∶1. The age group 45− years had the highest case count, accounting for 47.22%. The majority of the cases were farmers (64.35%). The incidence of human brucellosis in 2016, 2018, and 2020 showed spatial autocorrelation (P<0.05). In 2016 and 2018, the hotspot areas were mainly in some townships and streets in Suxian and Beihu and in several townships in Guiyang, Yizhang, and Yongxing, showing an expansion trend. In 2020, Linwu became a new hotspot area. There was no correlation between the cattle stock and the incidence rate of human brucellosis. In contrast, the sheep stock and the positive rate of animal brucellosis were correlated with the incidence rate of human brucellosis.
    Conclusion The case count and incidence of human brucellosis in Chenzhou were in increase, there were high incidence hotspots, and the sheep stock and the positive rate of animal brucellosis were correlated with the incidence of human brucellosis. In order to effectively curb the spread of brucellosis and effectively prevent and control the prevalence of human brucellosis, it is necessary to strengthen the animal epidemic surveillance, strictly control the infection source, and conduct health education about brucellosis prevention and control and behavioral intervention.


