
Spatial distribution of pulmonary tuberculosis in Sichuan and Chongqing, 2018−2022

  • 摘要:
    目的 分析川渝地区2018—2022年肺结核空间分布特征,探索聚集区域,为川渝地区结核病防控工作提供科学依据。
    方法 利用中国疾病预防控制信息系统的子系统结核病管理信息系统收集2018—2022年四川省和重庆市肺结核报告发病数据,应用ArcGIS 10.3软件进行空间自相关分析及热点分析。
    结果 2018—2022年川渝地区肺结核年均报告发病率分别为55.71/10万和65.01/10万,年递降率分别为3.00%和8.37%。 川渝两地报告病例主要集中在50岁以上,分别占总报告病例数的45.91%和55.58%。 报告发病率男性高于女性,差异有统计学学意义(P<0.001),且均在15~25岁、65~80岁呈现两个报告高峰。 全局空间自相关分析显示,川渝地区肺结核疫情分布存在空间正相关(P<0.001),呈空间聚集性分布。 局部自相关分析显示,川渝地区肺结核呈高–高聚集、低–低值聚集及高–低聚集模式。 重庆市渝东南片区为高–高聚集区域,高–高聚集区整体呈现逐年变少的趋势。 四川省川西地区为高–低聚集区,高–低聚集区整体呈现逐年增多趋势。 川渝地区接壤区域为低–低聚集区。 热点分析显示,四川省川西地区为热点区域,热点区域逐年增多。 重庆市渝东南片区为“热点”区域,热点区域逐年减少。
    结论 川渝地区肺结核疫情存在空间聚集性,高发区域包括四川省甘孜藏族自治州、凉山州、阿坝州等川西地区和重庆市彭水县等渝东南片区,成渝地区双城经济圈为低发区。


    Objective To analyze the spatial distribution of pulmonary tuberculosis (TB) in Sichuan province and Chongqing municipality from 2018 to 2022, explore the clustering areas and provide evidence for TB prevention and control in Sichuan and Chongqing.
    Methods The reported incidence data of TB in Sichuan and Chongqing from 2018 to 2022 were collected from national information system for disease prevention and control. Software arcgis 10.3 was used for spatial autocorrelation analysis and hotspot analysis.
    Results From 2018 to 2022, the annual average reported incidence rate of pulmonary TB was 55.7/100000 in Sichuan and 65.0/100000 in Chongqing and, with annual decline rates of 3.00% and 8.37%, respectively. The reported pulmonary TB cases in Sichuan and Chongqing were mainly distributed in people aged >50 years, accounting for 45.91% and 55.58% of the total reported cases, respectively. The reported incidence rate in men was higher than that in women, with a statistically significant difference (P<0.001), and there were two incidence peaks in people aged 15–25 years and 65–80 years. Global spatial autocorrelation analysis showed a spatial positive correlation in the distribution of TB epidemics in Sichuan and Chongqing (P<0.001), showing spatial clustering distribution. Local autocorrelation analysis showed that the distribution of pulmonary TB in the Sichuan and Chongqing showed high-high, low-low, and high-low clustering. Southeastern Chongqing had high-high clustering areas, and high-high clustering showed a decrease trend. Western Sichuan had high-low clustering areas, and the high-low clustering showed an increase trend. The area bordering Sichuan and Chongqing showed a low-low clustering. Hotspot analysis showed that both western Sichuan and southeastern Chongqing had hotspot areas, but the hotspot areas in western Sichuan increased year by year, and hotspot areas in southeastern Chongqing decreased year by year.
    Conclusion The incidence of TB in Sichuan and Chongqing showed spatial clustering. The high-incidence areas included Ganzi, Liangshan and Aba prefectures in western Sichuan and Pengshui county in southeastern Chongqing, while the area in Chengdu-Chongqing economic circle had low incidence of pulmonary TB.


