
Epidemiological and etiological characteristics of cluster infections associated with Escherichia albertii in a middle school in Hangzhou city, Zhejiang province, 2023

  • 摘要:
    目的 了解2023年2月浙江省杭州市某学校发生的一起聚集性腹泻疫情的流行病学及病原学特征。
    方法 对该起聚集性疫情开展流行病学调查,并采集腹泻患者肛拭子、食品留样及环境样品进行病原体快速筛查和分离鉴定,对分离的病原菌进行药敏试验和全基因组测序分析。
    结果 本次聚集性疫情共造成22人出现腹泻、腹痛、呕吐等胃肠道症状。 从6例腹泻患者肛拭子中分离到eae基因阳性菌株,经进一步鉴定确证为艾伯特埃希菌。 6株菌对26种抗生素均敏感,核心基因组的多位点序列分型进化分析显示6株菌单独聚为一簇,且菌株间核心基因组的单核苷酸多态性差异仅在0~1 bp之间。
    结论 这起学校聚集性腹泻疫情是由艾伯特埃希菌引起,为中国首次报道由艾伯特埃希菌引起的聚集性疫情。


    Objective To understand the epidemiological and etiological characteristics of cluster infections occurred in a school in Hangzhou, Zhejiang, in February 2023.
    Methods  Epidemiological survey was carried out. Anal swabs from diarrhea patients, food and environmental samples were collected to screen and isolate pathogens. Antimicrobial susceptibility test and whole genome sequencing analysis were performed for isolates.
    Results Twenty-two patients were identified in this outbreak. The clinical manifestations of these patients included diarrhea, abdominal pain, vomiting and other gastrointestinal symptoms. The eae-positive isolates were identified from six anal swabs, which were confirmed to be Escherichia albertii. Six E. albertii isolates were susceptible to all 26 antimicrobials tested. Phylogenetic tree based on core genome Multilocus sequence typing, six E. albertii isolates formed a single cluster, and the difference of single nucleotide polymorphism in the core genome was 0 to 1 bp each other.
    Conclusion This cluster infections were associated with E. alberii. It was the first report of diarrhea outbreak caused by E. albertii in China.


