An Analysis of Zero Roport of Infectious Diseases atCounty and Township level in Hebei Perovince,1993─1994
Graphical Abstract
According to montly data of infectious diseases ,there were zero reports in 64 and 58 counties (cities or districts) ,136 and 127 months in 1993 and 1994 respectively . In another words ,there were 37. 21% and 33. 14% counties with zero reports in whole province respective- ly. The zero report rates at township level were 66. 74 % and 70. 16% respectively.The above status of zero reports at both county and township level have already affected the management of infectious diseases control in whole province. In order to find the patients of infectious diseases on time and to promot the quality of infectious disease cue report ,it was important to pay attention to the contruction of medical units at basical level.