Seroepidemiological Investigation on HBV Infection in Some Areas of Gansu Province
Graphical Abstract
A Sercepidemiological investigation on HBV infection of in some areas of Gansu province was carricd out from 1992 to 1994.The results showed that the general infection rate of HBV was 562.30%.The positive rates ofHBsAg,anti-HBs,anti-HBc were 7.50%,36.65% and 44.90%respectively.There was a significant difference of the infection rates of HBV between urban and rural areas。The infection rate of HBV was increased with age.The distribution of posi-tire cases of HBsAg was revealed obviously tendency toward family clustering.There was a close relation of the positive rate of HBsAg between parents and their children.Thee were 69 cases of HBeAg positive,12 cases both positive of HBsAg and anti-HBs in 186 HBsAg positive cases.