Detection on Meningococcil Antibody by Using ELISA in Health Children in Changsan County during 1982 to 1996
Graphical Abstract
Sera which were collected from 1941 healthy children in Changsan county during 1982 to 1996 had been detected by using ELISA.The results indicated that GMT of N.meningitis (Nm) sreogroup A antibody collected from pre epidemic period was significantly lower than those from epidemic period.Positive rates and GMTs of Nm.serogroup A antibody in ≤2 age group were significantly lower than those in 6~9 and 10~15 age group.The GMT of Nm serogroup B antibody was lower than that of Nm serogroup A but there was no statistic significance between them.In some age groups,the antibodies titer of serogroup B and A had lineat correlation.The antibodies GMT of carriers of Nm serogroup A and B were not significantly higher than those of non - carriers. There was no linear correlation between the GMTs of Nm serogroup A antibodies and morbidity of epidemic meningitis during 1982 to 1996.These results suggested that epidemic meningitis surveillance should be done in pre-epidemic period.When sera antibodies were detected by ELISA bactericidal antibodies in a few sampling specimens should also be tested as a control.