Surveillance on Drug Resistance and Phagetyping of Salmonella Typhia in Jiangsu Province ,1 995 - 2000
Graphical Abstract
InordertorecognizetheepidemiologicalcharacteristicsofSalmonellatyphiafeverandmakestrategy forprevention ,severalsurveillanceareasforphagetypingofstrainsanddrugresistanceweresetupinJiangsuprovince . Theresultssuggestedthattherewere 2 2phagetypesinallofthestrainsisolatedand 83.71 %of 448strainsof Salmonellatyphicouldbeentyped ,thepredominanttypewasDtype,whichwasrated 38.67% ,andofwhichD1 and D2 phagetypewere 57.79%and 40.00 % ,respectively TheratioofothertypessuchasE ,M1 ,J1 were 15.20% (of E1 77.17%),14.93%,11.20% respectively. E4,K3,and phagetype 32 were detected in the current study,and E4 was first reported in China,K3 and phagetype 32 were first reported in Jiangsu. The resistance rates agains sulfa-methoxazole, sulfamethoxazole timethoprin (SXT),erythromycin,kanamycin,chloromycetin,gentamycin were 95.03%,88.95%,85.8%,8.33%,16.66% respectively,in 181 strins,the resistance of strains M1,type which against kanamycin,chloromycetin, gentamycin have decreased clearly,all the strains were sensitive to polymyxin B、amikacin、gentamycin、chloromycetin、norfloxacin.It was useful for treatment and prevention. It was in-dicated that the epidemic was related with the main type strain and the situation of drug resistance.