Dynamic analysis on iodine deficiency disorders in Dongying city.
Graphical Abstract
Objective The present study was designed to get the knowledge of the advances and status quo of control and prevention of iodine deficiency disorders in Dongying city after 1995 with analysis made on the surveillance results of iodine deficiency disorders in the whole city in 1995,1997,1999,2000,2002,and 2005.Methods By random sampling,we investigated the prevalence of goiter among primary students,with urine iodine and iodine in edible salt in the population detected.Results In Dongying,goiter rate of children aged from 8 to 10 years de-creased from 21.43% in 1995 tO 4.72% in 2005.The urine iodine was detected for six times with the median value being 682.73-197.32 μg/L.The administration rate of qualified edible iodized salt in the citizens increased from 50.35% in 1995 to 96.60% in 2005.But the situation of health education of iodine deficiency disorders was not satisfying.Conclusion In Dongying,it has been at a stable developing stage of the elimination of iodine disorders and the level of iodine nutrition of the residents is essentially eligible.And health education of iodine deficiency disorders should be reinforced