Analysis of AIDS voluntary counseling and testing results in Baoji, Shaanxi, 2008
Graphical Abstract
ObjectiveThe study was conducted to analyze the results of AIDS voluntary counseling and testing in Baoji in 2008 in order to identify the emphasis of voluntary counseling and testing(VCT) properly suitable for the AIDS prevention and cure in the city. MethodsFace-to-face interviews were carried out between the counselors at VCT clinics and the inquirers. Having filled standardized registration forms, the inquirers were voluntarily subject to HIV-antibody preliminary screening, followed by the analysis of related information and test results. ResultsA total of 7338 subjects out of 7367 inquirers underwent the voluntary testing, resulting in seven positive cases. ConclusionSubjects that had non-marital heterosexual behaviors were the majority of positive results, followed by drug abusers.