Epidemiology of other infectious diarrheal diseases in Xiacheng district, Hangzhou, 2008-2010
Graphical Abstract
Objective To analyze the epidemiologic characteristics of other infectious diarrheal diseases in Xiacheng district from 2008 to 2010 and provide evidence for the prevention and control of the diseases. Methods The incidence data of other infectious diarrheal diseases in Xiacheng during this period were collected through routine infectious disease surveillance system to conduct descriptive epidemiological analysis by using Excel. Results A total of 7305 cases of other infectious diarrheal diseases were reported with the annual incidence ranged from 309.22/lakh to 963.81/lakh. The male to female ratio of the cases was 1.11:1. The cases in children under 5 years old accounted for 39.10%. The cases in children outside child care settings accounted for 37.82%, followed by that in the retired (13.61%).The incidence of other infectious diarrheal diseases began to increase in April and peaked in August in 2008, July in 2009 and November in 2010; The first 3 communities reporting high incidences were Shiqiao, Wulin and Dongxin. Among the reported cases, 21.96% were laboratory confirmed and the annual proportion increased gradually. No outbreak of the diseases was reported during 2008-2010. A total of 1139 stool samples were collected, in which 461 were rotavirus positive. Conclusion Other infectious diarrheal disease mainly affected children aged 0-5 years. The diseases mainly occurred in autumn and winter. All the communities reported cases. Rotavirus was the major pathogen.