Species and distribution of small mammals in Shangrila, Yunnan
Graphical Abstract
Objective To understand the species and distribution of small mammals in Shangrila, Yunnan province. Methods Small mammals were captured in 6 townships with 4 eco-environments located at altitude from 2500-4000 m in Shangrila from June to July 2011. Results A total of 425 small mammals of 21 species were captured, which belonged to 14 genera, 7 families and 4 categories. The number of rodents was highest, accounting for 71.43% of total species and 95.76% of total mammals captured (15 species in 11 genera in 4 families). Up to 36.47% of rodents were Apodemus chevrieri. Four species belonged to Insectivora (1 genus in 1 family), 1 species belonged to Lagomorpha (1 genus in 1 family) and 1 species belonged to Carnivora (1 genus in 1 family). Conclusion The species of small mammals varied with eco-environment and altitude level in Shangrila. The predominant species are Marmota himalayana and Ochotona thibetana in high mountain bush and meadow areas, Apodemus draca in forested area, Apodemus chevrieri in agrarian area, and Rattus nitidus and Niviventer confucianus in residential area.