Surveillance for mosquito density and species in Zhejiang, 2011-2013
Graphical Abstract
Objective To understand the mosquito density and species as well as the distribution of mosquitoes in different habitats in Zhejiang province during 2011-2013, and provide evidence for mosquito control. Methods Mosquito surveillance by using mosquito trap lamp was conducted in all the 11 prefectures (municipality) in Zhejiang. Results A total of 146 764 mosquitoes were captured, the overall density was 1.60 mosquito per lamp. h. Culex pipiens quinquefasciatus was the predominant species, accounting for 57.79%. The mosquito density was stable during 2011-2013; The mosquito density peaked during June-August; the mosquito density in livestock sheds, where Culex tritaeniorhynchus was predominant, was significantly higher than that in residential areas, parks hospitals and farmer homes, where Culex pipiens quinquefasciatus was predominant; The density of Aedes albopictus was highest in Haiyan (0.26 mosquito per lamp, h). Conclusion It is necessary to pay attention to the control of Culex pipiens quinquefasciatus, Culex. tritaeniorhynchus, aede albopitus in Zhejiang and take specific measures for different mosquitoes in different areas.