Objective To analyze the epidemiological characteristics of hospitalized patients with extra-pulmonary tuberculosis (TB) in China, and provide scientific basis for the formulation of policies and measures for the prevention and treatment of extra-pulmonary TB.
Methods A retrospective survey was conducted in 9 designated tuberculosis hospitals selected in eastern, central and western China. The information about demographic and clinical characteristics of the hospitalized patients with the diagnosis of extra-pulmonary TB or tuberculous pleuritis at discharge were collected from Hospital Information System. Descriptive statistical analyses on the patients’ information were performed by using frequency, constituent ratio and median, and χ2 test was used to compare the differences in distributions among groups.
Results A total of 3451 patients with extra-pulmonary TB were included in the study. The median age of the patients was 44(29, 59)years. The male to female ratio of the patients was 1.41∶1. In the extra-pulmonary TB included, 1615 (46.80%) were farmers and herders. Tuberculous pleurisy, lymph node TB and bone and joint TB cases accounted for 19.97% (689 cases), 12.58% (434 cases) and 12.37% (427 cases) respectively. Extra-pulmonary TB complicated with hepatobiliary disease, renal disease and malnutrition were found in 533 cases (15.44%), 354 cases (10.26%) and 258 cases (7.48%) respectively. A total of 1973 patients (57.17%) had clear medical conditions before admission, and 1597 patients (46.28%) had surgical operation. The median length of hospitalization was 17.00 days. The analysis on the type of health insurance for patients with extra-pulmonary TB indicated that 1244 patients (36.05%) had urban residents' health insurance; and 398 patients (11.53%) paid for the medical treatment by themselves.
Conclusion The hospitalized patients with extra-pulmonary TB were mainly males, young and middle-aged people and farmers (herdsmen), and tuberculous pleurisy, lymph node TB and bone and joint TB were the most common types.