Objective To analyze the results of human and animal surveillance of plague in Beijing from 2011 to 2020, and provide data support for plague prevention and control in Beijing. Methods The cases with human plague symptoms were monitored in fever clinics, outpatient and emergency departments of hospitals in Beijing. Rodent was captured by using 5 m clamp in rodent surveillance. The captured small rodents were identified, dissected, and the results were recorded. The plague surveillance data in Beijing from 2011 to 2020 were collected and analyzed retrospectively. Results From 2011 to 2020, a total of 2 cases of human plague were detected in Beijing, all were pneumonic plague cases from Inner Mongolia, and 1 case died. In rodent surveillance, a total of 46 053 traps (cages) were distributed in the past 10 years, and 1585 small rodents of 10 species, 9 genera, 4 families were captured, with a total rodent density of 3.44/100 traps. The predominant species were Niviventer confucianus (37.22%, 590/1585), Rattus norvegicus (24.10%, 382/1585), Sciurotamias davidianus (15.52%, 246/1585) and Apodemus dalinensis (13.25%, 210/1585), accounting for 89.97% of the total of captured rodents. No plague F1 antibody positive sample was found in 1175 serum sample by indirect hemagglutination test.
Conclusion From 2011 to 2020, the rodent species was stable and the rodent density was at a low level in Beijing, but animal plague epidemic was active in natural plague foci around Beijing. It is necessary to strengthen the surveillance for human and animal plague epidemic, and improve health education to prevent imported plague epidemic.