National data of class A, B and C communicable diseases in February 2017
2017, 32(3): 177-177. DOI: 10.3784/j.issn.1003-9961.2017.03.001
Abstract PDF
Summary of National Data of Class A, B and C Communicable Diseases in China, February 2017
2017, 32(3): 178-178. DOI: 10.3784/j.issn.1003-9961.2017.03.002
Abstract PDF
Appropriate measures in prevention and control of anthrax in China: experience learned from of Russia
LI Wei
2017, 32(3): 179-183. DOI: 10.3784/j.issn.1003-9961.2017.03.003
Abstract PDF
Comparison of epidemiological features between imported and indigenous dengue cases in China
MU Di, HE Yang-ni, CHEN Qiu-lan, LI Yu, Wang Qin, YIN Wen-wu, LAI Sheng-jie, YU Hong-jie
2017, 32(3): 184-189. DOI: 10.3784/j.issn.1003-9961.2017.03.004
Abstract PDF
Population health and prevalence of major chronic diseases in Tianjin
, , , , ,
2017, 32(3): 190-190. DOI: 10.3784/j.issn.1003-9961.2017.03.005
Abstract PDF
Risk assessment of public health emergencies and communicable diseases concerned in the mainland of China, March 2017
HONG Zhi-heng, REN Rui-qi, PENG Zhi-bin, RAN Lu, LIAO Qiao-hong, WANG Ya-li, LI Chao, TU Wen-xiao, MENG Ling, NI Da-xin
2017, 32(3): 191-194. DOI: 10.3784/j.issn.1003-9961.2017.03.006
Abstract PDF
Preliminary study of histopathologic changes and cytokine secretion in foot pad of mice infected with Nocardia farcinica
JI Xing-zhao, HOU Xue-xin, SUN Li-na, TAN Xiao-luo, SI Chen-chen, XU Shuai, TANG Lu, WEI Chao, LI Zhen-jun
2017, 32(3): 195-199. DOI: 10.3784/j.issn.1003-9961.2017.03.007
Abstract PDF
Surveillance for brucellosis in Liaoning province,2012-2015
SUN Ying-wei, MAO Ling-ling, SUN Guang-jiu, LIU Xue-sheng, LEI Lu, YU Wei-jun, YAO Wen-qing
2017, 32(3): 200-202. DOI: 10.3784/j.issn.1003-9961.2017.03.008
Abstract PDF
Surveillance for brucellosis in Zhejiang province,2015
SHI Xu-guang, SUN Ji-min, LING Feng
2017, 32(3): 203-205. DOI: 10.3784/j.issn.1003-9961.2017.03.009
Abstract PDF
Epidemiological and serological characteristics of human brucellosis in Jiangmen,Guangdong,2007-2015
YANG Yu-fang, CHEN Mao-yu, CHEN A-qun, LIANG Jun-he, FAN Zhan-li, ZHOU Hong-yu, CHEN Hua-yan, WEI Zhi-nan
2017, 32(3): 206-210. DOI: 10.3784/j.issn.1003-9961.2017.03.010
Abstract PDF
Studies on epidemiology and molecular characteristics of Brucella melitensis during an outbreak of brucellosis
TIAN Guo-zhong, CUI Bu-yun, ZHAO Hong-yan, JIANG Hai, PIAO Dong-ri
2017, 32(3): 211-215. DOI: 10.3784/j.issn.1003-9961.2017.03.011
Abstract PDF
Genetic diversity and its dynamic variation of noroviruses causing acute diarrhea in children in Fuzhou,2009-2015
HUANG Ye-wei, WU Bing-shan, CHEN Feng-qin, HUANG Zhi-miao, WENG Yu-wei, YAN Yan-sheng
2017, 32(3): 216-221. DOI: 10.3784/j.issn.1003-9961.2017.03.012
Abstract PDF
Sero-epidemiology of hepatitis B and C virus infections in international travelers in Qingdao
ZHU Ke, ZHANG Jin, XUE Xiao-ning, XU He-fei, CHEN Xiao-guang, ZHANG Juan
2017, 32(3): 222-226. DOI: 10.3784/j.issn.1003-9961.2017.03.013
Abstract PDF
Characteristics of reported HIV infections in children aged 15 years in China
WANG Li-yan, QIN Qian-qian, DING Zheng-wei, CAI Chang, CUI Yan
2017, 32(3): 227-231. DOI: 10.3784/j.issn.1003-9961.2017.03.014
Abstract PDF
Epidemiology of scrub typhus in Jiangsu province,2006-2015
XIN Hua-lei, ZHANG Yong-jie, HU Jian-li, SUN Jun-ling, PEI Ying-xin, ZU Rong-qiang
2017, 32(3): 232-236. DOI: 10.3784/j.issn.1003-9961.2017.03.015
Abstract PDF
Identification of clinical isolates of non-tuberculous mycobacteria in Zigong city
DENG Jian-ping, LIU Hai-can, WANG Bin, ZHANG Hong-mei, ZHANG Zheng-dong, NING Zhu, ZHAO Xiu-qin, LI Qun, WAN Kang-lin
2017, 32(3): 237-240. DOI: 10.3784/j.issn.1003-9961.2017.03.016
Abstract PDF
Enteric bacteria isolation from plateau pika with two media at the gas condition of 5% CO2
ZHANG Gui, YANG Jing, JIN Dong, LU Shan, XU Jian-guo
2017, 32(3): 241-246. DOI: 10.3784/j.issn.1003-9961.2017.03.017
Abstract PDF
Antibiotic resistance and pulsed-field gel electophoresis molecular type of diarrhoeagenic Escherichia coli isolated in Changping district of Beijing,2015
LI Dong-xun, PENG Hua, WEN Yan-hong, XU Dai-qing, WU Yang, ZHUANG Peng, SHU Gao-lin
2017, 32(3): 247-251. DOI: 10.3784/j.issn.1003-9961.2017.03.018
Abstract PDF
Awareness of enterovirus 71 and willingness of self-paid Enterorirus type 71 inactivated vaccine immunization in guardians of children aged 3 years in Guangzhou
YE Xin, HE Jian-feng, SUN Li-mei, KANG Min, ZHANG Meng, XIE Dong-sheng, LIANG Jian-hua, NI Xi-he, ZHANG Xiao-wan, HU Le, YE Xiao-hua
2017, 32(3): 252-257. DOI: 10.3784/j.issn.1003-9961.2017.03.019
Abstract PDF
Epidemiological investigation of an outbreak of typhoid fever in Cixi, Zhejiang
ZHANG Dong-liang, YI Bo, DONG Hong-jun, CHEN En-fu, MIU Zi-ping, YE Jian-jie, MA Jian-ming, XU Guo-zhang
2017, 32(3): 258-262. DOI: 10.3784/j.issn.1003-9961.2017.03.020
Abstract PDF